Nova Southeastern

U.S.A. Florida


Today I am sending my application to Nova Southeastern for the Fall 2009. Excited and hopeful. Give me a shout out if you are sending your application as well.:yeah:

Yes! Sure is! I really hope I hear from them soon. Also, (sorry about all the questions... Just anxious) when did you go in for your interview?

If I remember correctly it was sometime at the beginning of July or end of June. Im not exactly sure, I know its been like 3 weeks or so. If anyone has Blackberry Messenger and wants to ask me anything my pin is 30B8DFF7. Feel free to BBM me if you need anything.

Specializes in I'd like to go into oncology....

Hi everyone, I got my acceptance letter in the mail today also for Scholars Program. I'm also going in on Wednesday to sign all the contracts, etc. I'm sooooo excited. I started crying when I read the letter lol...I have no idea why I got so emotional about it!

I got my acceptance letter today! :)

When applying for Nova RN program; do you state that you're interested in the Baptist Program? where along the lines of applying to the Nova's program do you state that you would like to apply for Baptist?

Thank you for the help.


When applying online for the RN program there's different applications on Nova's website: 1)for Campus or 2)out of campus classes

Should we fill out the out of campus application ?

The application for Baptist is sent to you as part of your acceptance package. You fill this out after you have already been accepted into Davie. If they pitch you the Fort Myers program first tell them "no thanks" I am interested in the Baptist Program and they will be more inclined to offer you Davie. I am just mentioning this because I was first offered Fort Myers but refused it because those that get accepted into Fort Myers are not eligible to apply for the Baptist Scholars. Thats just something to keep in mind.

On another note, does anyone know what kind of supplies we need to purchase such as Steths, Pen Lights, Hemos that sort of thing? Its so overwhelming the amount of things that need to be filled out to be sent in for the program. Also for anyone that works in a hospital Nova will take your PPD from your hospital so long as its recent. Employee health at Baptist was very, very helpful in getting all of the Health and Immunizations paperwork done and rather quickly at that.

**I forgot to mention that I did the paper application, I didn't bother with the online one. I would think the paper one is the easiest way to go, at least it was for me.

Thank you Sappi you're awesome!

You are quite welcome! Actually I heard at work today that Baptist may not be doing the scholars program anymore because of the funds that they need to allocate towards it. So those of us who get it may be very lucky since I think this is one of the few programs that basically covers your entire tuition and fees. Most programs just give you X amount of dollars and you still have to work for them for a few years.

They still are going the Baptist Program. I got accepted and will be starting next month. Is anyone els estarting next month In Miami? I am looking for a roomate.

Quick question what does Nova look at the Overal gpa or just the science gpa or both ?

Specializes in I'd like to go into oncology....

They never really specified what they look at but I have a feeling they look at a both. Plus your interview...

Ok im getting really excited and I think im going to start getting some of the things that we need to start school. Does anybody know what type of stethoscope we need? Can it be any color?

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