Not looking forward to new job...

Nurses General Nursing


Specializes in Cath Lab, OR, CPHN/SN, ER.

Ok, I AM looking forward to the job.

I'm dreading orientation. :uhoh21:

Not even the on the job/patient care orientation. It's that whole sitting in a class for a week orientation. Filling out tax forms and hoping I don't screw them up (like last year when we ended up paying b/c I screwed up).

I'm mostly dreading the time. My husband started his new job at the same hospital last Monday. I imagine his class size was smaller. I start June 29th. Just in time to be packed in a room FULL of new grads. Think I'm exaggerating? I worked at the same place four years ago, with a start date of June 13th. The room was packed, HOT- they had to go get more chairs, could barely get up to go pee, probably breaking the fire code :lol2:

I should be so lucky to go to orientation somewhere!

My problem with that stuff is staying awake and paying attention. My mind wanders everywhere.

Specializes in Psych, LTC, Acute Care.

My orientation lasted 2 weeks. There first week was facility wide and there were times I didn't feel like I was going to make it.I slept and lost consciousness a few times. All the presentations were boring. The second week was unit orientation. More videos and Learning Link Modules on the computer. We also had to do a scavenger hunt and find about 100 things on a list. On the last day we shadowed our preceptor for a whole 12 hrs. I got threw it but it was hard. Good Luck and I am grad I am not in your shoes right now.

Specializes in ER; HBOT- lots others.

i hated mine as well, but ya know, at least you have a job. you have to realize how many ppl that are new grads and other ppl that are trying to get jobs that cant, so i know it sucks, but at least you get to look forward to a job. NOT meaing to sound harsh or anything


Be glad for the job. So many people need one right now. If it is too hot in the room, or you feel like a break is needed, speak up. Patient safety, policy of facility, and general "how to's" are important even for an experienced nurse. Good luck.

Specializes in Cath Lab, OR, CPHN/SN, ER.

Let me clarify- By no means am I being ungrateful to have a job. I'm very thankful. I'm also not a new grad and have experience at the same hospital, so it was probably easier for me to get back in than a new grad (they are hiring new grads though). And yes, I understand the material is important, but there is just some material that can't be made exciting, even with the best speakers (HIPAA? :lol2: )

I'm not looking forward to being in the large class. I'll have to get there really early- I have a partial hearing loss, and have to sit in a certain spot to be able to hear and make sure there is no one on the bad side. There are so many speakers, telling someone wouldn't do much good.

ETA- I hope those of you who are looking for jobs are sitting in your own crowded, hot and boring orientation session soon!

Specializes in School Nursing.

aneroo....are you leaving school nursing ?? say it isn't so !! :cry:

praiser :heartbeat xoxoxo

I have a partial hearing loss, and have to sit in a certain spot to be able to hear and make sure there is no one on the bad side.

Same here. Actually, I thought I had a "good" ear. I don't. I have a "less bad" ear.

Get through it.


Specializes in Nursing Professional Development.

The orientation class may not be as big as you fear. Most hospitals are hiring far fewer nurses this summer than in previous years. While that is sad for all the new grads looking for jobs, it makes the orientation class sizes a lot smaller than usual.

Specializes in Cath Lab, OR, CPHN/SN, ER.
aneroo....are you leaving school nursing ?? say it isn't so !! :cry:

praiser :heartbeat xoxoxo

i am. i work for public health, and we're taking a big pay cut (we did work through summers, and they gave us less about 3 months warning that we would have to take four weeks off this summer). i'm a newer employee, so i didn't have enough time saved up. factor in the huge paycut, and financially it didn't make any sense to stay here. i'm heading back to the hospital, but will be in the or. i'm excited about that- i've never done anything like that (except open a tray for an emergency procedure at the bedside in the er) before, so it is all new! no school nurse positions where i am moving to, but i might e-mail them and volunteer for screenings and stuff if they need me.

same here. actually, i thought i had a "good" ear. i don't. i have a "less bad" ear.

get through it.


:lol2: @ the "less bad" ear part. i was a pitiful boohooing mess after i loss my hearing (it was sudden, i can remember the date/time and what i was doing when it started), and pretty much thought my career would be over. far from it, but it still scares me that i'll miss something because of it. i can't wait to get a hearing aid (i want bright pink)- i would get one, but of course insurance doesn't cover those *insert rolling eyes here*.

I can't wait to get a hearing aid (I want bright pink)- I would get one, but of course insurance doesn't cover those *insert rolling eyes here*.

My hearing has always been eh. Got a lot of ear infections as a child and it runs in my family.

Aneroo, the hearing aid is worth every penny that I paid for it. I had no IDEA how much I was missing. Truly, if you can find a way to get one, do it.

And good luck! Let us know how crowded it is.


Specializes in Cardiac Nursing.


If you haven't been told by your hubby yet...let me tell you.....snooze, snooze. LOL and the speakers are actually enthusiastic. Computer charting, the lady teaching is very animated and believe me you won't have problems hearing her. Ok, it wasn't THAT boring...but I still would fall asleep. I am so NOT a day person LOL. Now if they would just do these corporate orientations in the evening hehehe.

Today I spent the day doing all those online learning modules :yawn:

You will be fine, just know that the speakers have to do this every week lol.

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