Dear Whoopi Goldberg, Michelle Collins, Raven Simone, Joy Behar and the View,
Do you think we get it now as nurses? I hope you get it and actually comprehend no longer is it okay to verbally diminish this profession. Nurses' are harassed, bullied, portrayed as being idiots in the media. The platform that you guys have is powerful, but it is not being used to build someone up instead you attempted to tear this profession down. I totally believe in the first amendment. However, you guys have made the attempt to discredit my profession. If you walked in the shoe of just a nurse†for one day your attitude of us not getting it" would change. I originally was not going to comment because I know they have a right to their opinions. However, I replayed the video multiple times to ensure I heard what they stated clearly. When does a nurse that decided to share a personal experience with a patient equivalent someone reading his or her email� Followed by give the doctor their stethoscope back it is not okay nor will ever be okay.