Published Jul 22, 2011
24 Posts
What can you tell me, good or bad, about North Suburban Medical Center??
nurse2033, MSN, RN
3 Articles; 2,133 Posts
I've many more bad things than good from friends who work there. The ER in particular gets overrun at times with long wait times.
Thanks! Do you know if there are any other hospitals in Thornton?
SummitRN, BSN, RN
2 Articles; 1,567 Posts
I've heard good things about NSMC. Also, Saint Anthony's North is right next door. You won't be very far from Avista Adventist Hospital and Boulder Medical Center.
klone, MSN, RN
14,857 Posts
Also, Samaritan in Lafayette is not too far away. Or Lutheran in Lakewood (? or is it Wheat Ridge). Honestly, I would look all over the Denver metro area, especially if you live near I-25, which makes commuting a lot more doable, especially if you're working nights.
I live in Westminster (very close to I-25 and 36) and I commute to Aurora, and the drive only takes me about 25 minutes.
~Mi Vida Loca~RN, ASN, RN
5,259 Posts
Which one is NSMC? I have heard some good things about St. Anthony's as well.
299 Posts
NSMC is North Suburban Medical Center in Thornton. All I have heard is the ER is pretty crazy!
Where I work is pretty fluffy (especially floor nursing, low ratio's).
18 Posts
Can you please specify the "bad things" you've heard about at North Sub? Being crazy and busy is one thing, but unhappy and rude coworkers is another! Any info you can give is much appreciated!
20 Posts
NSMC is North Suburban Medical Center in Thornton. All I have heard is the ER is pretty crazy! Where I work is pretty fluffy (especially floor nursing, low ratio's).
FancyPants, do you mind if I ask where you work? Did you mean NSMC? What unit?