NMC Test Online

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Anybody here who took the Pearsons Vue NMC exam? How was it? TY!

Specializes in Surg- PACU/Anaes.

It's actually 30-40, however with the new 'changes' they may or may not be implementing, they may reduce that number? I got told that they were doing away with the critical questions all together and just having the pass rate at 60%, however not sure if this is 100% true or not.

Specializes in Intensive Care - Pulmo.

The problem lies where they are holding examinations with 2 takes all the while the exam is going through revisions. They should at least test it until a stable one comes out before making us pay for it

Yeah the only ones I have heard from about eliminating the critical questions is my recruiting company, but when in every correspondence I have with the NMC they still mention the critical q's. SO frustrating.

Oh man. Now I am feeling frightened by all the posts that I have read. :/ I am scheduled for 2 final interviews for 2 possible employers (one this January) and they want me to take the NMC test right after the final interview(s). I'm ecstatic and my loved ones are delighted as I am inching closer to my dream. But it seems like I'll be hitting a wall of disappointment as the NMC test is shaping up to be monkey business after all. :/

everyone is having problem wth the cbt.

by the way, anybody here able to retake? or still having problems booking the retake? ty!

im from the philippines and i was planning to take the cbt this jan. but upon reading this blog im not sure anymore..

i was just about to book an exam for this then i happened to pass by this feed. i am from the phils too and good to know many of us are still trying, and i think after reading all your comments i will have to postpone my target date to make more time for reviewing the blueprint and all those links.

i do have a question regarding the exam, is it more of a memorization-type of exam or will just understanding the context work?

continental travel nurse recommended a book to study - unfortunately it was recommended to me after i took the test. it's called royal marsden hospital manual for clinical nursing procedures. i bought it and it actually has word for word some of the questions from the test.

Specializes in Intensive Care - Pulmo.

Do they have an ebook and if possible link? :)

I think its on amazon

thanks foxtrotunicorns, btw did you pass the exam? how did you find it?

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