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Anybody here who took the Pearsons Vue NMC exam? How was it? TY!

Well Nixon, GOOD LUCK!

Quite unfortunate that the handful of people who've passed are not on this forum!

So is it three attempts now?

And for those who have done the Pearson Vue practice tests, have you been able to see your score?! All I see "delivered successfully", what the hell am I supposed to do with that?!

When you do the practice Qs you select a button which says something along the lines of 'show answer' or 'check answer' on each question page. I'm not authorised for any attempts after this and it's my second i'm not sure why some people seem to have three.

I receved three ATTs all in all.

First- To take the frst exam

second- after failing (but i cant book, no pre approved exam)

third- i was finally able to book.

the third ATT showed that i have 2 attemots, but when i checked ny PV acount, i have one attempt lft.

and yes, nmc and pv hav been refering me to each other. Lol. It seems they dnt coordinate gaha

Specializes in Surg- PACU/Anaes.

I'm now able to book a re-take online, but I'm not going to yet, I'm too frightened to fail again for now.

And yeah Alfred you can't view the information on your fail result from take 1.

Hahaha i feel you Gen. Im too frightened to fail again. Haha. Which we will all be

Specializes in Intensive Care - Pulmo.

They keep throwing me the 28 day gap between taking tests. But I keep telling them in already past 28 days but still unable to book my second sitting.

I really hope that they scrap the 2 take rule because 6 months of didactics (before sitting take 3) is heavy considering that what caused the failure isn't the examinees incompetence with regards to nursing.

Ah and here I was hoping that the reason they weren't letting us re-sit was because they were making changes to the test. But maybe that was me thinking too highly of them. I'm absolutely terrified to take it again and fail (eventhough I'm not allowed to register) but I don't think there's any other way around it!

Specializes in Intensive Care - Pulmo.

This is just too cruel..

Hey everyone,

I am writing the test in about a month and my recruiter told me the other day they have gotten rid of the essential questions, does anyone know if this is true?



Specializes in Intensive Care - Pulmo.

So far the only thing they got rid off according to other takers were the indications for the critical questions. But I think they stand firmly with the mechanic T.T

My recruiter said the same, but I don't think that's the case. You just don't know which are the critical questions! I didn't get an indication when I say it in December.

Does anyone have a ballpark number of how many are critical? From the ones who were indicated?

Specializes in Intensive Care - Pulmo.

Based on the candidate guide, I'd say about 20 (assuming the math is right and none of the domains have critical questions in them). Pretty huge, Considering that if we don't Ace the critical questions, it is highly unlikely that they would mark the rest of the exam. >.

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