Night Shift And Cancer

Nurses General Nursing


"The researchers studied 78,586 women taking part in a long-running program called the Nurses' Health Study. The nurses who worked night shifts at least three times a month for 15 years or more had a 35 percent greater risk of colon or rectal cancer. "

Ya know I think you may be right. I know my eating habits are all screwy and my excersise is limited to my very busy nightshift. However we have invested in a 18 ft round 4 ft deep pool. My dr says it would benefit my fibro pain and last yr it did big time and I lost a few lbs too and gained some energy. Plus I am sure I got more sunlight that way too. Now if only the dang weather would warm up. Maybe night shifters should develope a health support group for one another. Ya know to exchange simple ways of improving nutrition, sleep tips, and excersise tips. Just a thought.

Then next week we will probaly hear the same thing about working long hours.

I truly beleive that night shift workers can accumulate poor health -

BTW - nursing itself - contributes to poor habits - well it did when l was training - That is when due to the stuent hours and shift work in those days - we were pn the wards 40 hours all through training then you had study etc - that had the consquence for me (after moving to a town where l knew no one) to stop regular exercise and eat on the run - often 'then healthy (read stogdy) food - (this is 30 odd years ago - before low fat etc etc -

I have done 14 and half years of nights unitl a souple of years ago - our choice - suited the children with school ect - l wish very much l stopped at 10 -

I used to be very healthy - particulary when younger - l had a hugh output in both work, social life interests etc Decreasingly l have noticed this activity wane - I can no longer work and have the output l had

Over the past few years l have had a number of health issues - recently having been off work for 2 plus months with heart concerns - I have a ghronic back and joint problems - I am only 52 (almost 53) - I am too young for all of this

I am over weight - l dont exercise enough - have poor energy there have been other problems that the more l reflect upon my life which you do when you feel mortal the more l wish l had the knowledge of what long term night duty may have have caused me.

However l will say here it is and was my chice that l did thhat shift so it is a responsibilli8ty that rest with me.

What l would like seen happen in nursing schools - and for doctors who care for us is that there may be a consquence of night shift for nurses. - So people can make an informed choice.

Enough of my raving on this - I noted one of the contributers mentioned cardiac probelsm with night shift - have you further information - l am only just developing and concentrationlevels to reallystart reading up on some of my issues at the moment

If you have read through all of this Thank you - I feel l have gone ont a rave again



Night shifts also predispose you to serious digestive disorders and heart disease, obesity, and diabetes (all due to sleep disorders)...there's still the whole circadian rhythm argument, which is a valid one. I lost two whole years of my life in my memory because of night shift. Those years are gone. I don't remember them at all.

Can you believe where I work they dont even give us a 3rd shift diff? Am I an idiot or what? Actually my handicapped son cant be left alone so this is the only thing that works for us right now. I have become quite the hermit I dont know if it is from my 5 yrs on nights, nursing period or just me but there you have it.

I have worked night shift for almost 10 years & I preferr nights to days. I personally do not need a lot of sleep so working my three 12's a wk does not mess with too much. As far as cancer is's my family, both sides all I assuming I will deal with it anyway. What can we do someone has to work nights!!!!!

I agree,who wants to live forever? Besides, I like night shift. If I am happy and sleep well, I do, Isn't that a plus for the old bod'?

I have been working 7p to 7a for 14 years now. Love it.

Specializes in OB Labor & Delivery/PP/Nursery/Hospice.

I feel like a zombie and never know what day it really is, whether I'm coming or going, hungry or just thirsty. I am only 35 and I cannot remember names or certain dates, and I can't even remember what I was going to say when I start a sentence. I have completely lost track of the passing days, they all just seem to blur together.

During the night at work, I FEEL like I am with it, but the next day it all seems really foggy to me. Thank heavens I am not foggy at work. I actually feel like I am functioning until the next day. I also feel like I am missing out on my life, which I never ever felt like when I was working days!!

I could not work this shift for the rest of my days. I would love it though if I didn't have to work and if there was some sort of circadian-reversal med to take.

Honestly, if a shift is affecting you that much, don't do it. Every one is different.... it is your body reacting to the shift, not the shift in itself.

If days are seeming foggy and you don't remember things that clearly you are not getting enough sleep. If you can't sleep during the day then don't do night shift, it is as simple as that.

Not everyone is affected this way.... and I still say that it is other behaviors ie) not exercising, not eating right, not sleeping enough that cause cancer.... not working nights.

Originally posted by babs_rn

Night shifts also predispose you to serious digestive disorders and heart disease, obesity, and diabetes (all due to sleep disorders)...there's still the whole circadian rhythm argument, which is a valid one. I lost two whole years of my life in my memory because of night shift. Those years are gone. I don't remember them at all.

hi Babs!

im one of those working nights just until i can get off working nights . . . but when i do work at night i don't eat . . . the body is not designed to digest food at night and fasting eases the strain on the digestive system . . . good way to loose weight too

i was wondering, do people who work nights a lot dream? just curious

i was also wondering about this 7-7 shift system, who came up with that? it almost seems like a 3-3 (or some other) shift might make it a healthier system . . . just thinking out loud

i loved your sign off:

"Live as you will wish to have lived when you are dying." -- Christian Gellert

that pretty much says it all!!!


Ya know in all honesty I too am convinced it is the lack of healthy habits that is the problem. I really do like nights and dont think I woulld like dealing with everybody and everything on days. Once my son is 18 he will probably go to a group home if we can find an awsome one for him. Then I wont suffer from the guilt it just drives me nuts that he cant go outside or anything when I am sleeping. And once my meds get adjusted I am sure that will help too. This has been a great thread for me. Oh yae one more thing I would truely feel better if 3rd shift could get more respect. Thanks for listening Gee I say that alot dont I?

Yes l agree we have to take responsibility (I am into this at the moment) for our decision and my decision was to work 14 and half years of night - however l wish that l had the foresight and the knowledge that maybe - just maybe it would have a long term effect in my life - l guess that is informed decision making

I said earlier - it is something that should be included at school for nursing - not as --- this will happen if you choose to do nights - but this is a consequence if you choose to long term nights

Also habits are hard to get out of - when l trained we were not encouraged to exercise or eat well - as such - it was get on with work etc

However we are not the only night duty workers - there are many other professions out there that require night shift - I would hate to see one of my children doing it long term


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