Night Shift And Cancer

Nurses General Nursing


"The researchers studied 78,586 women taking part in a long-running program called the Nurses' Health Study. The nurses who worked night shifts at least three times a month for 15 years or more had a 35 percent greater risk of colon or rectal cancer. "

Specializes in Psych, Med/Surg, Home Health, Oncology.


I've been working Night Shift Full-time for 27 years! Yes, I LOVE it!!

I would not work any other shift! Too many distractions, too noisey, too many people, and too many bosses!!

I love having the days to myself and being able to do anything I want.

I used to have a second, part-time job--Home Health-- but I recently quit that one.

I would NEVER go back to working days.

Specializes in Cardiac/Vascular & Healing Touch.

cheers to another night owl like me, who really likes so few powers that be present(who are sleeping) while we do our best!:chuckle

Originally posted by Teshiee

I love nights! I tried to work days and found myself worse off in fact I was suffering from more migraines fatigue you name it. I love nights. Only God knows when it is time for me to come home.

My theory is that if you adapt well physically to nights, then don't worry about the study. It is probably accurate for those of us who adapt poorly to nights. But, we are all biochemically unique, and there's always an exception to every rule. People who live above the arctic circle have managed to adapt to lack of sunshine. If your body is telling you that this is the right thing to do, then do it!

I love my night shift! I say MY because the mix that we have had on night for the past 12 years is awesome and I wouldn't trade shifts for anything. We take darn good care of our patients and have awesome teamwork. Out of about 10 nurses on nights (ER), the youngest nurse has been out of school 1yr, 5 nurses with over 20yrs experience and the others in between . We have combined years of nursing experience totalling 136 years! Our ED Docs like working with us because we know what we're doing. Day shift on the other hand seems to have the newer nurses for some reason, they don't stay long. Too much BS on days. I don't have any problem sleeping during the day. I think you should try it if you're interested. You'll soon know if the extra money is worth it for you or not.

Specializes in cardiac.

Night shift is particularly stressful because of the interference with the diurnal cycle and circadian rhythm, and the fact that you are awake when most people are asleep and vice versa, hence your disconnect from normal activities. I wpersonnally think the stress factor plays a big role in determining your propensity to get cancer.

I don't get it, how day shift people supposedly get more "stuff" done during their days off and get more sunlight. I also don't get when people complain that working nights during the wintertime is rough. Think about it. Dayshift workers get up around 5 or so and have to be at work by 7am, then get out at 1930 or 2000 (realistically). When do they have time to see the sunlight? Also in the wintertime, what is the difference between dayshifters and nightshifters? Dayshifters are inside all day, during sun hours and so are nightshifters, sleeping.

When I oriented on dayshift last year as a new grad RN, I was always exhausted having to wake up at 5-530. I was exhausted all day at work and then exhausted when I got home from work. Sometimes, I'd come home around 8 pm, pass out, and then wake up in the middle of the night! Only to have to go back to bed so that I could get up again at 0500 to start it all over again. I had no energy to "have a life" after work. Life, what life? You get home at 8 pm and by the time you unwind, eat dinner, and shower, it's bedtime!

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