Published Aug 23, 2010
14 Posts
Hi All,
I graduated from nursing school in may 2010 and shortly after started my application for the us air force ntp (nurse transition program). i was first told by my recruiter that ntp boards would meet in september 2010, but now he's saying that they've moved the boards to january 2011, and if accepted, cot won't start until august 2011. Has anyone had a similar experience?
201 Posts
rumor i've heard floating around is that the af isn't accepting new grads for fy 2011. don't know the validity of the statement but that is what's floating around.
101 Posts
I sure hope not! My recruiter told me a month ago that NTP boards where in January and that the earliest that I would leave would be in May. I will talk to him tomorrow seeing that I have to meet with the cheif nurse.
Just talked to my recruiter..the next NTP board is set for January 2011. Packets must be turned in by January 4th, corrections must be completed by January 18th.
22 Posts
Yes, that is true. The AF decided to have only one Board for new nurse graduates, and it is set for January 2011. My recruiter said that the earliest I will probably go to COT is August because I do not graduate until May, and I have to take the NCLEX and get commissioned first. If you graduate earlier, then I think you can go to COT earlier if there are spots available.
midinphx, BSN
855 Posts
You all need to know that it is a long process to get accepted into the Air Force. It took me almost a year coming in as a fully qualified ICU nurse. When I started the process, we had been expecting me to go in January. Waiting was really hard. There are spaces for nurses, you just need to be patient. I went through COT in May and am at my duty station. The NTP folks that went to COT with me finish up real soon and start their real jobs soon.
I would suggest that while you are waiting, so get jobs in nursing. I wouldn't state at an interview that I was waiting on being accepted into the military. Keep busy and get into a workout program. Arrive to COT in shape and ready to go.
You all need to know that it is a long process to get accepted into the Air Force. It took me almost a year coming in as a fully qualified ICU nurse. When I started the process, we had been expecting me to go in January. Waiting was really hard. There are spaces for nurses, you just need to be patient. I went through COT in May and am at my duty station. The NTP folks that went to COT with me finish up real soon and start their real jobs soon. I would suggest that while you are waiting, so get jobs in nursing. I wouldn't state at an interview that I was waiting on being accepted into the military. Keep busy and get into a workout program. Arrive to COT in shape and ready to go.
Do you happen to know what happens if you manage to get 6 months of experience before attending COT? If you get 6 months of experience and are selected at NTP boards, do you get a waiver or do you have to re-apply for the qualified board?
If you are already accepted to NTP, you go to NTP. Do not think of NTP as some punishment for not having experience. I know 1 nurse who had a year or experience and went through NTP. It is an awsome program. They take you through so many different experiences and expose the nurses to all the options that the Air Force may have in the future. I wish I had gone through it, even as a 14 year nurse. They also bonded more with each other and have a support group, which I don't have. There is a large group of my COT class here at NTP and I run into them in the halls. I think they were able to make that transition with so much more friend support than me showing up on the unit right away. And even as an experienced nurse, my unit has been really helpful in orientation and ensuring that I truly understand my job.
So in short.... go to NTP. :)
18 Posts
Does anyone know how many slots are available for new grad nurses in 2011. My packet is ready and I guess waiting for the JAN 2011 board. Just wondering what the chances of being selected or not based on the amount of slots compared to the number of applicants.
23 Posts
I have recently looked into joining the af via the NTP program after i graduate in May 2011. Talked to the recruiter today and he said rumors are floating around that they are only taking like 20-50 new grads at the boards in Jan due to accepting too many last year. I haven't even started my packed yet, but plan to immediately. He said it would still be doable, but does anyone else think otherwise? I dont want to go thru the whole process if i dont even really have a shot at getting it all done in time? Also, I would take these "rumors" as a grain of salt. If you want to do it, apply. The worst that happens is you dont get in and you take a job in the civi world or try again in a year or two. You're not out of anything, and at least you tried. Does anyone else know anything about how many new grads they will be accepting in Jan 2011 boards or GPA requirements, etc?
1 Post
I am currently an RN/BSN working on a Med/Surg unit & am preparing my paperwork for entering the Air Force. I am prior service (almost 11yrs) so I am somewhat knowledgeable of military life. I wanted to see if there was anyone out there who can advise me on steps to take for returning to service, time-lines, boards, etc.
12 Posts
I am also an exper RN/BSN with prior service. I completed my application and looking to go for January 2011 board. I have read so much info on this blog. It is good to hear that everyone seems to be getting the same info. It seems that there are 2 boards one for exp RNs and one for new grads NTP. The next board for exp qualified is January 2011. (I heard this board was switched with NTP board from March 2011). I completed my app in August 10, went to MEPS for my physical in November 2010 (3mo :smackingf) and did my interview December 2010. The next available COT dates are May 31, July, Aug 2011. If selected Im hoping to go in July 2011. If you are serious about returning to service dont delay in completing your paperwork, it seems that there is quite a backlog of nurses waiting to go. Im hearing that AF is looking for exp RNs and prior service is a plus. Hope this helps! Were you prior AF? Keep posting and GOOD LUCK!!!