Published Feb 26, 2018
1,250 Posts
Hello all!
DakotaDenise here. Decided to go the way of a less identifying username. I'll keep Hammy as my avatar so you can remember me!
38,333 Posts
A hamster is always welcome! Be sure to keep us apprised of any future hamster adventures.
ruby_jane, BSN, RN
3,142 Posts
How is Hammy II?
Livin' the dream in 2nd grade!
12,646 Posts
Isn't this Hammy 2?
Can I still call you DD?
Isn't this Hammy 2?Can I still call you DD?
Of course, I'll answer to whatever you'd like to call me :)
And, yes, the original adventure driven Hammy went home with a student and couldn't return the next year due to a classroom allergy. However we have a new one back this year - Hammy Jr.
64 Posts
I've jumped on your bandwagon and changed my user name and pic My past user name and pic would be very identifiable if someone from my school/district were to read on this site. Smart to be more incognito.
Queen of Icepacks, RN
54 Posts
I think that you have started a trend.
326 Posts
Same reason here. Had been thinking about it for awhile.
1,109 Posts
I'm loving all the new names!