Published Sep 2, 2006
3 Posts
Hi my name is Kelly and I am from Texas...I took the NCLEX-PN this morning and it shut off at 85 questions and I had no clue about most of them also..I have been reading the boards and alot of people have said that math questions were a bad sign but I did get 1 does this mean I failed...I know there is no way of telling but this is just from reading these boards that it has got me worried now...I thought I was going to die when I walked out of the testing center hope I did ok with 85 questions..I love these boards by the way I have been reading them for a while and you all are very helpful....Kelly
1 Article; 6,683 Posts
Hang in there! Can't tell whether you passed or failed just from the question number or question types, but most people do pass. Luckily in Texas it isn't so bad - we can access Quick Results after 48 hours. Let us know how it goes.
104 Posts
Good luck.
960 Posts
All the best
27 Posts
welcome to allnurses kelly. i too have recently taken my boards & felt horrible afterwards. this is normal. 85 is a great number to stop at. i had 85, as well as many others here... and passed. stay busy while waiting & keep us posted. you too shall be a nurse soon.
:nurse: :nurse: :nurse: :nurse: :nurse: :nurse:
Aal the best to you in Jesus Name.
DolphinRN84, MSN, RN, APRN, NP
1,326 Posts
Good luck!!
Hi I just wanted to let everyone know that I found out this morning that I PASSED!!!yayay:nurse:
10 Posts
Hi everyone I took my Nclex-Pn on Friday (9-1). I only had 85 questions and I felt horrible afterwards. I live in Sc and we have quick results. Does that count the weekend? Can anyone tell me if I have to wait until Tuesday to find out if I passed since Monday is a holiday?
1,853 Posts
Good job, Kelly!
Congrats on passing! Best of luck in your new career.
I do believe that quick results post on the weekend. Should be 48 hours or so from when you took the test.