New pink tissue over wound is called...


I was doing some psychomotor tests at my school and this question came up.

What do you call new pink tissue over a wound?

a. eschar

b. granulation

c. sanguineous fluid

d. sloughing

I thought b. granulation was the right answer but apparently that was wrong... Am I really wrong or is the computer wrong?

Specializes in Addictions, Corrections, QA/Education.

Hmmm... pink and 'beefy red' shiny tissue is granulation. What was the answer then?

Specializes in A myriad of specialties.

My answer would be granulation tissue.

Specializes in Operating Room.

It is granulation tissue..the computer is wrong.

I was doing some psychomotor tests at my school and this question came up.

What do you call new pink tissue over a wound?

a. eschar

b. granulation

c. sanguineous fluid

d. sloughing

I thought b. granulation was the right answer but apparently that was wrong... Am I really wrong or is the computer wrong?

The computer is wrong. Eschar is basically a scab, also known as black tissue. Sangiuneous fluid is not wound material. Sloughing is not wound material. Leaving granulation tissue. However, since granulation tissue is usually pale, the correct answer should be epitheliazation (in my opinion).

David Carpenter, PA-C

Tissue can be classified as sloughing off, its dead tissue that sloughs off. Granulation tissue is pink/red and usually bumpy looking.

Granulation is right...I even asked my husband who is a corporate exec. for a wound care pharma's granulation!

Specializes in Med surg, Critical Care, LTC.

I'm with everyone else, granulation tissue.

Computer is only as smart as it is programed to be.


I'm with everyone else, granulation tissue.

Computer is only as smart as it is programed to be.


Yup, "garbage in, garbage out"

Specializes in Med Surg, ER, OR.

Computers...can't live with them and can't live without them. But hey, Bill Gates didn't have any college degree so eschar could be the right answer...just kidding!!!

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