Published Oct 6, 2005
195 Posts
I am in IT now but I am a 24 yr old malewho graduated almost a yr ago and I hate the IT job. I work night shift but that is what I have concerns about going into nursing. Do you guys find it tough to be in a field/career dominated by females? I thought about education as well. I have course work towards an MBA and I was thinking about starting some pre nursing pre reqs.
Are you males out there happy to be in nursing? What other options besides working in a hospital are available? I want something satisfying and stable
435 Posts
Hey Nurseguy
Well, that's quite a handle (as the truckers used to call their CB 'nick-names') for someone who's still got doubts. But, assuming that your question is straight up...
Yeah, I'm a straight, baby-boomer guy, a veteran and a construction worker (framer and roofer) and former college jock. Nursing works just fine for me. You get a decent income (as I private-messaged to someone not too long ago---you'll never have to remember where you parked the RollsRoyce, but I have an older but very nice 38ft yacht). You have a nice relationship of knowledge and power with your peers and 'customers' (pts) IF YOU EARN IT. And you can act independently (in ICU) if you achieve that status and level of trust.
And it takes a 2yr college degree.
That's a LOT of BOOM for the BUCK.
Hope that helps.
It's been a great career for me
Papaw John
Edit: opportunities other that hospitals, I don't have 1st hand knowledge of--altho there's lots of forums here for LegalNurseConsultants, NursePracticioners and such. Look around. Use the 'Search'
My career in ICU has been so rewarding I haven't needed to look beyond. If you feel differently, there is a huge field for you to explore.
P- J-
Thanks alot for the email!! I work the night shift in IT now so I guess thats teh only draw back I have about nursing. I see LOTS of jobs available and its just amazing that I feel I can enter a career andnot have to worry if I will ever have to look for work again.
So what made you get into nursing?
Do you think I should volunteer or anything?
Hey NurseguyWell, that's quite a handle (as the truckers used to call their CB 'nick-names') for someone who's still got doubts. But, assuming that your question is straight up...Yeah, I'm a straight, baby-boomer guy, a veteran and a construction worker (framer and roofer) and former college jock. Nursing works just fine for me. You get a decent income (as I private-messaged to someone not too long ago---you'll never have to remember where you parked the RollsRoyce, but I have an older but very nice 38ft yacht). You have a nice relationship of knowledge and power with your peers and 'customers' (pts) IF YOU EARN IT. And you can act independently (in ICU) if you achieve that status and level of trust. And it takes a 2yr college degree. That's a LOT of BOOM for the BUCK.Hope that helps.It's been a great career for mePapaw John
Tweety, BSN, RN
35,745 Posts
Nursing is indeed a stable job. I read in Tme magazine yesterday because of the baby boom generation nursing will add more jobs than any other career. So if it's stability to you want, nursing is it. Good point above about it being a lot of boom for the buck.
I think in order to be satisfied you have to at least have some compassion, empathy and a desire to help others. Otherwise it's just a job to get some bang for your buck. Then it doesn't matter that you're in a female dominated field, and all the other stresses that go along with it.
Nursing can offer positions in nursing homes, colleges and universities, schools, research, factories, jails, doctor's offices, etc. A lot of other places besides a hospital.
Good luck to you. Welcome!
Corvette Guy
1,505 Posts
I am in IT now but I am a 24 yr old malewho graduated almost a yr ago and I hate the IT job. I work night shift but that is what I have concerns about going into nursing. Do you guys find it tough to be in a field/career dominated by females? I thought about education as well. I have course work towards an MBA and I was thinking about starting some pre nursing pre reqs.Are you males out there happy to be in nursing? What other options besides working in a hospital are available? I want something satisfying and stable
Nursing is a very stable & satisfying profession. Yet, it can be very frustrating.
It can be a challenge working in a profession where females are 93% of the profession. Another challenge can be dealing with the stigma, which is false, that all males in nursing are homosexuals. IMHO, nursing should not be a gender biased profession.
If you have a genuine concern for people, and are opened minded, then please consider nursing as your next profession... otherwise don't.
BTW, being married to a nurse gives me one females perspective on nursing issues, which helps me better understand some of the 93%. :wink2:
21 Posts
I went through a 2 year program for IT (computer programming),,of course i graduated in 2002 at the HEIGHT of the tech CRASH so i was never able to get a job in the field. The only reason I went to school for computers was cuz it was HOT HOT HOT at the time. Then, after I sat down,,and thought about what i really wanted,,everything pointed to either teaching or nursing.
I picked nursing,,,my pre-reqs are all done,,now im just on the waiting list,,,should get in next june or maybe a shot at Jan 06!!!
Nursing jsut seems soo much more fullfilling than the DOG EAT DOG world of BUSINESS.
If i was you,,i would check out nursing as a career!!!:)
93 Posts
No problems working with women. I was the oldest child in a family of five kids and all of my siblings are female. As a nurse you can work in many environments, not just hospitals. The opportunity is limited only by your imagination. Good luck and welcome.
762 Posts
I have really enjoyed being a male nurse. In some ways I think we are treated better than our female counterparts. Many of the gruff physicians mellow out when around male nurses. Not fair...just the way it is. I receive job offers from all over the country on a regular basis. I can not think of another field that is so varied and in demand as nursing. And the pay ain't bad either.
56 Posts
Im a nursing student, fresh from high school, and well there are many pro's, if your young and single...lots of girls (i don't mind), the pay depending on where you are working can be really good, you get to save peoples lives...
howevor many peeps still have that stigma that all guy RNS's are gay, but it is becoming less and less of a problem, also soemtimes the conversations if your in a group of girls do get a bit dull (eg. hair, clothes, gossip) but i usally fidn a way to change the subject, also it can be very stressful, even wehn in nursing school ( i just had midterms 4 weeks into school)...and finnaly women can be really cranky at times (no offense, and yes just a generalization) but if your used to being in a crowd of guys (in my case high school ahd more guys) then it can be strange...and there at tiems is mroe bickering
As a note...guy nurse's tend to be more concentrated in certain ER , managment etc. (as opposed to LTC, PEDS) You coudl wrok commnity health, or work with a corporation or many a things
PS. i have already had past experiences in medical enviroemtns workign with lots of women
I just surfed upon this site that you may find very helpful.
*I tried to post info about the site in the Male Nursing Students section, however was unsuccessful.
47 Posts
I am about word for word in your same situation. I am starting the RN program next fall and cannot wait to get out of the IT world. From what I have read here it is HIGHLY rewarding. About the 93% female field, just think of that as another motivational tool, I know I will. Oh, and I am sure we will be too busy to even think about the ladies.
59 Posts
Hi everyone I'm new here. I've been browsing the website for some time now and I saw this thread and notice there are IT there who are switching from the IT world to the Medical world. So I just have to register :) I have my degree in comp sci and master in software engineering; and i've been working for 3 years now. I like what I do (sometimes); but I just think the IT world is not as good as it used to be; and I want a job that's more stable. That's why I'm either choosing nursing or PharmD. I still have prerequsites to take. But it's good to know that someone here is switch from IT to nursing; now i don't feel alone.