New male thinking about nursing

Nurses Men


I am in IT now but I am a 24 yr old malewho graduated almost a yr ago and I hate the IT job. I work night shift but that is what I have concerns about going into nursing. Do you guys find it tough to be in a field/career dominated by females? I thought about education as well. I have course work towards an MBA and I was thinking about starting some pre nursing pre reqs.

Are you males out there happy to be in nursing? What other options besides working in a hospital are available? I want something satisfying and stable

Specializes in Rodeo Nursing (Neuro).
Hey Guys!!!

I thought NurseMike's post was terrific. I've been doing this crazy s##t for 25yrs and never have gotten over the thrill of doing a job that actually, literally means the difference between pain & comfort, illness & health, life & death for some poor soul. The 'meaning' of doing the highest quality work in nursing--so much better than high quality roofing.

And all the benefits and freedoms he mentioned--it's true. I'm a sailor. Had a little boat on a lake in Tennessee. Was able to pack up and move to Maryland for a bigger boat on the ChesapeakeBay. Had friends with much more money--lawyers, real estate cats. They were envious of my 'richness' in having the ability to pack up and follow a dream which they could only pursue on vacations because they were rooted in that location professionally.

And even at this point in my career there's new horizons--moving to Open Heart specialties, Emergency Room, Cath Labs. Kinda reminds me of what Jesus said about Heaven: In my Father's house there are many mansions.

What you'll be doing as a nurse is IMPORTANT and frequently INTERESTING and most of the people you'll be working around are smart and decent people.

Papaw John

Plus, my knees don't swell up after a day of nursing. I do, occassionally, miss the blue skies, that little breeze that comes at just the right moment, and the college girls sunbathing on the roof next door...

I'm noticing a disturbing trend in my thought processes. Is it spring already?

Specializes in ER/Trauma.

But Mike,

Why would college girls sunbathing be a 'disturbing thought' ? :chuckle

Specializes in ER, ICU, L&D, OR.

Leaves me out Im an old male

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