New Grad Resume

Nurses Job Hunt


Help! Currently writing my resume for my first job as a nurse. I don't really have any background in the health care field other than being a receptionist at a nursing home and working at an assisted living as a server. I am currently a server at a sushi restaurant right now.

Should I include all that in my resume? I understand I can put things like

  • Efficient in multitasking and using my time wisely

  • Able to communicate well with customers and co-workers always in a respective manner

  • Competent in working with others as well as an individual especially in fast paced situations

    But does that all matter? And is it okay to have 2 pages for my resume? Also, should I include a skills section?

    What did you guys include in your new grad resumes? Thanks!

Specializes in Nurse Leader specializing in Labor & Delivery.

First, do NOT make it 2 pages. I cannot emphasize that enough.

Second, honestly, as a hiring manager, I have to admit that I really don't pay a lot of attention to what's on a new grad's resume, other than spelling and grammar, and seeing longevity at the jobs you HAVE held. If I see you list two jobs in food service, but you've worked at both jobs for 2 1/2 years each, I'm going to be more impressed with that, compared to working as a CNA at multiple places and you've only stayed a few months before moving on.

No, don't include a skills section - as a new grad, I don't expect you to come to the job with any skills. Unless you have an unusual skill that will aid you as an RN. All new grads typically start with the same entry level skills.

If I can't fit it all on one page, is it okay to make the font size 10? Also, should I include a reference list?

Specializes in Nurse Leader specializing in Labor & Delivery.

If it can't fit on one page, then you need to remove stuff.

No on the reference list.

Specializes in ED, med-surg, peri op.

Agree with the first poster. As a new grad I put on my jobs, but didn't wrote much about them as they where in retail. Looked good though that I worked threw nursing school and could hold down a job.

I also had a small section on my clinical placements, which I included tasks I was doing instead of a skills section.

Also make sure you cv is personalised to the job your applying to. Make sure they know you want this job, and not just any job.

Good luck!

Also, I am still awaiting for my NCLEX results to come in the mail to get my license, how should I put that on my resume?

Is it okay that I put it like this under the Certifications & Licenses section:

Registered Nurse (Passed NCLEX July 6, 2018)

Specializes in Nurse Leader specializing in Labor & Delivery.

Do you know for sure you passed the NCLEX? Do you have a license number?

I just have my unofficial results from pearson and on the continental testing services, it also states that I passed. It's only been 2 weeks since I took the NCLEX, but I want to start looking for a job now. A lot of my classmates found a job before receiving their license number.

You may want to include a section for your education (degree received) from your university/school of nursing. In the future you can add to this section education and certifications.

I would only put clinical rotation sites if it's pertinent to the position you're applying for. Otherwise, people assume new grads have more or less the same clinical experience. That would save some room for 1 page.

Also you don't have to list every job on the resume. Just the ones that may be pertinent or you want to highlight for other reasons (longevity, leadership, etc.) That may also save you some space.

Remember, being succinct is a communication skill.

Specializes in Critical Care and ED.

I'm just posting this link here because the OP, and any other new grads, may find this useful. It's a guide to writing your nurse resume:

Nursing Resume Templates: Plus an eBook Job Guide for Nurses

Specializes in Urgent Care, Oncology.
Also, I am still awaiting for my NCLEX results to come in the mail to get my license, how should I put that on my resume?

Is it okay that I put it like this under the Certifications & Licenses section:

Registered Nurse (Passed NCLEX July 6, 2018)

I do believe you cannot put Registered Nurse until you actually have a license as you aren't a RN until the license has been granted.

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