Hello all,
I am in real need of advice so if anyone is in my same book or has had a similar issue please let me know how you resolved it. Thanks! Here goes...
I recently received a DUI in June 2011 during my last semester of nursing school. I wasnt driving at the time of being pulled over and was merely sleeping on the side of the road because I relized I had made a poor judgement. My BAC was 0.22.
I graduated and received by BSN in August 2011.
The DUI case was originally thrown back of the DA's office for lack of evidence but later reintroduced as the police department resubmitted my chargers. I applied to the BRN with an open case at the time since I had not been found guilty, however, the BRN would not grant nor deny me licensure until my case had been settled. I plead guilty to the charges in Jan 2012 thinking that if I completed all court requirements and showed rehabilative measures (although it was simply a one time occurance and I do not have an alcohol addiction) I would be granted licensure.... Wrong! My application for Registered Nurse in CA was denied in May 2012.
This leaves me 2 options... 1) filing an appeal that I heard can take over 6 months or if denied I can not reapply for licensure for one year from that date or 2) reapply in one year
Any advice or does someone have a list of Nurse Licensing Lawyers in the Southern CA area. I would greatly appreciate it.
To make matters worse, I have applied to two hospitals in the area and have disclosed my DUI conviction and have been hired pending getting my licensure. PLEASE HELP! Thanks