New Grad positions, is anyone in WI hiring?

Nurses General Nursing



I am graduating from a BSN accelerated program in Green Bay and am looking to move preferrably to Madison. I am open to moving to Milwaukee or even central Wisconsin. It doesn't look like there are many jobs open right now. Does anyone know who is hiring and possibly what the starting pay is?

Specializes in Intermediate care.

Is nursing is so much demand that you need to import nurses in WI? I can tell you in my home state of MA, nurses are looking for employment should, MA nurses be looking in your area ?

No. we have a hard enough time giving our wisconsin/minnesota grads a position. Job market isn't great unless you can pull some strings and get into a hospital or have already worked at one here.

Specializes in Perinatal, Substance Use Treatment- Outpatient.

St. Joseph's Hospital (Ministry Health Care) in Marshfield, WI has a few full-time positions in Acute Care and OR that are open to new grads.

Specializes in ICU.

You don't have to be a new grad to be having difficulty getting hired.

Trust me on this one. :uhoh3:

Anyone work for Burlington Hospital in WI? If so, how do you like working there?

Specializes in Government.

To the job situation here in WI....not that great right now. Worse than the mini-glut in the early 1990's. Everyone and their brother is calling me wanting to know why their daughter/son can't find an RN job in WI. Like I know! :uhoh3:

We've had many career colleges open up and they are churning out so many ADNs. I have no idea where these people will get work here. I have friends with experience that have been looking for a year. Also, many many MSN/APNP friends who feel they have been sold a bill of goods on graduate education; not able to find jobs, going back to the floors.

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