new grad jobs in NC

U.S.A. North Carolina


I am a new grad searching for a nursing job in NC. DON'T want med/surg. Where can I look for new grad positions other than the actual hospital websites? I'm running into roadblocks with people not taking new grads. How are we supposed to get started if they won't accept new grads??? Any advice appreciated. Thanks!

Specializes in Nurses who are mentally sicked.

Move to a big city...hospitals in big city will take new grad right into the field you want to get experience is needed....

Good luck.

Specializes in Nursing Professional Development.

In what geographic area are you interested? ... and ... What type of job are you looking for?

Specializes in Peds(PICU, NICU float), PDN, ICU.

I had to move from NC to TN temporarily for work. It seems there is not much there right now.

Specializes in ICU, Geri, Education.

Are you interested in a particular area? As a poster has already mentioned a bigger city (bigger hospital) may be right up your alley.

Let us know if you find anything.

Specializes in CV Surgery Step-down.

Wake Med has a boatload of positions in all areas (ICU, PACU, ED, endo, etc.), all just for new grads in their Nurse Fellows (new grad) program. Check out Check out the jobs under "staff nurse" and "staff nurse fellow". Good luck!

Specializes in NICU, PACU, Pediatrics.

check out this if you are interested in Charlotte in the employment area they have a section just for new grads

Specializes in Telemetry & Obs.
Wake Med has a boatload of positions in all areas (ICU, PACU, ED, endo, etc.), all just for new grads in their Nurse Fellows (new grad) program. Check out Check out the jobs under "staff nurse" and "staff nurse fellow". Good luck!

Proud "sorta" new grad that was accepted in the WakeMed Nurse Fellow program last summer. I work day shift on a Telemetry unit and had the position BEFORE graduation. It can be done!! I also have fellow students that were Fellows in the ICU, med-surg, and ED. WakeMed is great to their Nurse Fellows :)

Specializes in Postpartum, Antepartum, Psych., SDS, OR.

I too am a new grad. Reading comments about Wake Med. caught my eye. Can you tell me more about new grad positions? Surgery is my specialty.

I also am going to look at the VA in Durham? Does anyone have knowledge about the VA? If so please share comments and suggestions.



If you go to and look under the employment tab for nurse fellow positions you will see opportunities in almost every department. It is a year long program that begins with 3 months of orientation with a nurse preceptor and lots of classes. Classes continue during the year along with support from the nursing education department. The preceptors have been selected by their managers and have attended classes on being a precetor. Your first year is and should be a continuation of your formal nursing education, it should build on what you learned in school and help you learn to apply it to real life patients. Wakemed provides this. If you have other questions please feel free to ask or pm:)

I too am a new grad. Reading comments about Wake Med. caught my eye. Can you tell me more about new grad positions? Surgery is my specialty.

I also am going to look at the VA in Durham? Does anyone have knowledge about the VA? If so please share comments and suggestions.



Hey Everyone,

I am graduating in May 08 from a college in Massachussetts and am moving to Raleigh NC. I have spoke with a nurse manager at Wake Med but never heard back from HR. I REALLY REALLY REALLY want to get into Wake med! Any suggestions?

I also have an interview in March over at Duke's GEMS program and have been getting mixed reviews.

Does Wake Med hire new grads after all the fellowship positions have been filled?

How can I get my foot in the door over there?

I am willing to work ANY SHIFT ANY UNIT!

Any and all info will help!=)



Specializes in Postpartum, Antepartum, Psych., SDS, OR.

Keep looking!!! Jobs are out there.

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