New grad Filipino nurse wanting to work in Australia/New Zealand

World Immigration

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Hi everyone, please help me.

I graduated last march 2007 here in the Philippines and I have my license here already.

Because of oversupply of nurses here, it's too difficult to find a job.

That's why I'm looking forward to working in Australia or New Zealand.

However, I'm confused. Esp about Australia.

I already have my bachelors degree here.

When I go there in Aus to work as RN, must I take a diploma in nursing first? can I work while studying?

After obtaining my diploma there, am I already a registered nurse?

Thank you!

@ Trion08

I've already provided that. Kindly read back my previous replies in this thread. I've already provided a thorough explanation on NBV registration. The link for the list of bridging programs are there too.

Specializes in Medical and general practice now LTC.

Aelith has posted much information regarding applications to Australia but you lso need to do your own research, Do not always rely on one person, not saying Aelith is posting anything wrong but if mistakes happen you can not say you didn't know. It is your responsibility to know and understand licensure and immigration processes and requirements.

Thanks Aelith for your postings

Thanks Silverdragon102 :)

I'm willing to help, however, I would appreciate it very much if you could help me with the research too. :) I hope you can re-validate whatever I have provided and will provide here. The informations I have are mostly for Queensland and NSW, particularly Brisbane and Sydney only as those are my targets. Beyond that, I can give you general infos on other states and cities but I can't give you a more comprehensive explanation.. sorry :(

Anyway, if I can provide what you ask, I will. If not, I always give a link or general info where you can find the answers. :)

Sorry Aelith, i've missed your previous post. Im really really sorry.

@Trion 08.. waaa.. don't be sorry.. you're making me feel bad for saying that :( But anyway, if i find out more about VIC, I'll post it here. ;) I've been really focused with NSW and QLD as I have a couple of fellow RNs who might go there lol.. so, I'm trying to guide them there. ;)

Hello There! You are all very helpful by posting inquiries and info's regarding this topic!!!! Thank you!!

May I please know the agency that you are talking about that has options if you want to buy modules from them? tahnk you!

I have been reading regarding going to aus for several weeks now!!!

Thank you!

hi there!I have some inquiries on how to find a hospital that can sponsor a visa while training! is this also possible for NSW? my relatives are citizens there already and I would not have problems with housing and other expenses! Can you please help me regarding this? Thank you!!

You are angels for helping so many nurses in need! Thanks a million!

hello aelith!

Can you please help me with the Pre registered nursing degree's? I am still lost in this one! What would be required of me to be eligible for this? How much would it cost me fro this on? I have relatives in NSW and they are citizens already, I dont know if it's an advantage or what... I hope you can extend your generosity and patience regarding my inquiries!!! PLEASE PLEASE! THANK YOU SO MUCH!

Pre-registered Nursing Degree

You don't need to pass any application to QNC if you are going to enroll in a pre-registered nursing degree. You just need to apply to the corresponding University and that's it. I can help you in the application process for Universities. It's easier compared to the registration process. But you have 2 applications, one for the University and another for the Student visa.

Hope that clarified everything for you. :) I sent you a pm btw.

hello aelith!

Can you please help me with the Pre registered nursing degree's? I am still lost in this one! What would be required of me to be eligible for this? How much would it cost me fro this on? I have relatives in NSW and they are citizens already, I dont know if it's an advantage or what... I hope you can extend your generosity and patience regarding my inquiries!!! PLEASE PLEASE! THANK YOU SO MUCH!

Hello Helena!

The best way to find a sponsor is to email the hospitals or agencies all over Australia. They will reply to you as soon as they are free. You can enquire what are their requirements for them to sponsor you (e.g. if you need experience or not).

About the pre-registration nursing degree, first I'd like to know where you want to study? Tuition fees ranges from 16.5k -23k. When do you plan to enroll?

Thank you so much for such a quick reply! you're an angel!!

I am planning to go for Queensland because my relatives are there and citizens already and if all goes well I would save a lot because I dont have to pay for board and lodging,food and the others....

How about with you?I hope you can share with me your process so it can serve as a guide for me on what to do!

I am doing all he reading regarding this matter because I am really serious about going there.Are you under an agency?I am still thinking about it because if I can process everything by myself then why not, I'd rather pay for the fee's in enrolling there rather than to pay the agency but if it's too difficult I guess I have no choice!

You are an angel sent to me! thank you!

Hi helena,

Err.. Are your relatives in NSW or Queensland? lol... Anyway, I'm going to Sydney, NSW. I will be applying this month and would start 2010 but I will be taking an english program just because I want to be there next year lol. so I'll most probably be there by Sept. 2009.

It would be best if you could tell me where exactly in Queensland your relatives are so I can suggest to you Universities near your relatives' house. We'll start with what University you want to go to first, then I'll tell you the process.

By the way, you don't really need an agency to apply for the student's visa. It's not so hard anyway. You can go to IDP too, should you want to know more about Australia and the Universities there. They can also help you with your student visa application.

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