New Glossary Feature - Glossary Terms needed

Nurses General Nursing


We just added a Glossary option to the site to help with all the Nursing lingo and tech lingo used online. Hopefully you will find this helpful.

Click here for the Glossary Terms

We have already added several terms/abbreviations that are commonly used on this BB and nursing terms, but we need your help to populate the list to make it more useful.

Please post your suggestions to this thread, please include the Term and its definition.

also, please feel free to post any feedback as well ;) Thanks

mob-movement of bowel

Specializes in NICU, Infection Control.

mob=mother of baby

go look at my non-hospital aproved abreviations thread in humor :)

link to abreviations

Specializes in ER, Hospice, CCU, PCU.

ERT -Emergency Room Tech. In addition to regular tech duties they start IV lines, draw labs, do EKG's. Do all the casting and splinting, transport monitored (and non-monitores) patients and generally make the rn's life so much better.

Specializes in surgical, neuro, education.

We have a form we call the PMO-15 (piss me off). It sounds official--but we all know what it means. :)

AAMOF as a matter of fact

BBFN bye bye for now

BFN bye for now

BTW by the way

BYKT but you knew that

CMIIW correct me if I'm wrong

EOL end of lecture

FAQ frequently asked question(s)

FITB fill in the blank

FWIW for what it's worth

FYI for your information

HTH hope this helps

IAC in any case

IAE in any event

IMCO in my considered opinion

IMHO in my humble opinion

IMNSHO in my not so humble opinion

IMO in my opinion

IOW in other words

LOL lots of luck or laughing out loud

MHOTY my hat's off to you

NRN no reply necessary

OIC oh, I see

OTOH on the other hand

RSN real soon now

SITD still in the dark

TIA thanks in advance

TIC tongue in cheek

TTYL talk to you later

TYVM thank you very much

WYSIWYG what you see is what you get






Specializes in NICU, Infection Control.

One abbreviation that flumoxed me fresh out of school:

nmn=no middle name

silly, I know, but it really bugged me then.

Specializes in NICU, Infection Control.

Oh, and don't forget

ttfn--ta ta for now (from Tigger in Winnie the Pooh)

Gomer-get out of my ER

FLK- funny looking kid (probable birth defect)

FLB----"funny looking beats"



CM-- case management

CCM---Certified case manager

EN/DIV 2 Enrolled nurse/Division 2 nurse Australian

RN/DIV 1 Registered nurse/ Division 1 nurse Au.

LTC. I've seen it used a lot around the site, and i haven't the slightest idea what it means!

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