New BUSH Overtime TakeBack Law

Nurses Activism


HI- from Miami--I read where another writer stated there is no difference between Bush or Kerry concerning this new OT law(actually it is not new it has been a work in progress publicly for about a year. First let me say-Bush said he had to redo it because the old OT law was confusing-I never see what was confusing about the old law-plain and simple-if you worked in excess of 40 hrs. you received OT. This new OT law is a payback to big$$$ contributors to the Bush/Cheney Election in 2000. Nothing more, Nothing less. This TakeBack was hatched by the REPUBLICAN president,congress and senate. They control both houses so the democratic oppostion could push this law back-they tried-Senators- Gebhardt,Kennedy,Kerry,Daschle-but sadly they are in the minority! I am 58 years old so I have seen a lot in my varied working career-I will tell you-starting from the genesis of Social Security and the GI Bill of rights for Veterans, Overtime(created by Pres.F.D.Roosevelt-laws in 1937)-Medicare and Medicaid-created by Pres. L.B.Johnson-1965-democrat. HeadStart for the young Children. The Family Friendly Leave Act-1995-created by Pres. Bill Clinton --where workers can take time off to care for a sick family member--all these laws benefiting us as workers were bitterly opposed by REPUBLICANS and this is fact-Don't beleive me??-check it out for validty in the Federal Register(final record of laws enacted and who did it) and see whose President's Signature is on the Final Legislation.John Kerry stated publicly, for the record, that he will roll this piece of cruel and unfair OverTime Law with the stroke of a pen immediately if elected. It is within his Power, as President! It is sad that only now most nurses are becoming aware of the law-as a year ago-nurses could have mounted a national campaign to pressure their congressmen/women and senators to vote this travesty down. RN's in the VA system will take the hit due to federal laws-the rules say LPN's will not be hit-BUT-I think they will because, speaking from experience, I was a team leader at the VA with two nrsg. assts. under me to supervise and in this case-they could now exclude me from OT. The langauge of this law is extremely vague-and was written this way on PURPOSE-to give management a lot of leeway in denying OT-always a contigency clause for denial.I think a lot of people are going to be very surprised-I hope I am wrong on this one.Unlike the old and clearcut law-OT FOR HOURS WORKED IN EXCESS OF 40-NO CONFUSION THERE! Nurses-educate yourself on the issues this 2004 election because this Election outcome will have Far-Reaching ramifications on your working career and Retirement Options. Bush has toyed around with the idea of raising the age at which you can retire and start drawing Social Security-to 68-70 years of age. I don't know about you-I don't want to wait to this age to retire-instead of a gold watch at retirement-they will hand you a pine-box! Democrats are not perfect-BUT compared to their history of passing at least some laws that I mentioned previously that benefit the working middle class, they are heroes in comparison. VOTE DEMOCRAT--VOTE KERRY/EDWARDS 2004 !! (ps-as viet-nam era vet-I can tell you I received 5 medals for my service-4 years active duty in the US Coast Guard-though not of the stature of John Kerry's for sure) Due to the vetting and chain of command involved in granting purple hearts,bronze and silver star medals-NO ONE could get all these medals unless they really earned and deserved them-the circumstances are reviewed up the chain of command-as a check to weed out non-meritorius claims and this is how it must be-Kerry got those Medals because he earned them-Plain and Simple-he may have other faults but this is not one of them! That group "Not-so Swift boat Vets is disengenous and should be ashamed of themselves! John Kerry had connections politically at that time and could have got out of vietnam for sure. Instead he volunteered for this dangerous duty with the extremely high possibility of getting shot and killed-I cannot imagine anyone putting themselves in Harm's Way just for Political Gain. Contrast Kerry's service to George(no show) Bush who is unable to account for his Guard Duty in 1971-72-now that is a point of discussion and deserves the process of discovery)To be honest- I served my country in this era(1965-69) and when I returned home -I had different thoughts about vietnam also-and was it WORTH it? I do not think so-55000 americans killed and vietnam went communist anyway a shortime later-so what did all those americans die for?? I hope Iraq does not evolve into the same situation but as it looks now, who knows...meanwhile Osama Bin Laden continues his plans for us....God Bless the USA from MiamiMike,Nurse:coollook:

It's typical among people who are used to actually WORKING for a living and not used to having things handed to them. It's a very refreshing attitude, and it's a shame that YOU can't see it for that. I have FMG physicians working in our hospitals as surgical assistants because they can't get licensed here. They work long hours, but make far more than they ever did in their home countries, and are THRILLED to be here.

The costs of everything go up. If companies can't make a profit, they go out of business. Unions don't seem to really care about that. Witness the Delta pilots union as Delta struggles to keep out of bankruptcy. The Delta pilots are the highest paid in the industry. Who looks cheap in all this? It ain't Delta.

Do any of you remember Eastern Airlines? A company can't lose money forever. Sooner or later, it will die.

And how much do you pay in union dues? Wouldn't it be nice if you just had that money in your pocket? I've never seen the point of unions, particularly with professionals, and particularly in this day and age.

It's real simple folks.

Nurses aren't going to lose their overtime. THERE'S A NURSING SHORTAGE. Supply (limited) and demand (huge) control the nursing marketplace. If you don't like the employer you're working for, there is usually one right down the street very eager to hire you.

Cite me one example of an RN who has lost their overtime because of this. You can't. It hasn't happened. The change in the OT laws have been published for months. If hospitals were going to change things, they would have had it be effective this past Monday. They didn't - they can't. They need their nurses.

On Eastern Airlines-I remember this well-it was bnakrupted by a corrupt greedy corporate "raider"-who stripped eastern of all its valuable assets-and then afterwards unloaded it and its employees in the Junkheap. Many of its ex-employees are my neighbors. I am very well aquainted with this scenario. He tried to do the same thing at Hammermill Paer co. in NW penna. and did noy suceed at that time-some 20 years ago.
We may not agree on who to vote for but at least we agree that one issue does not a make a good (or bad) president. I will be voting for Bush for many reasons (not going to hijack thread with all my views). If that means I will have less money in my pocket well thats ok because in the end there are other things that are going to be more important in the long run.
Hi-please my post(2). I am not voting for your choice due terrorism issues, Iraq, Healthcare, National Debt--not just things occurring in my work and profession-Mike:coollook:
You haven't lost anything! You haven't been robbed of anything.

And he's not settling. He understands what work is. He has to feed his family. He obviously prefers to do that instead of whine and collect welfare. He should be applauded for his work ethic, not criticized because YOU think he's settling and somehow taking something away from you. I'm sure he has no problems with self-respect.

you don't loose time and one half. Who thought of that? If if if if if you did loose any overtime, it be the loss of just ONE HALF time. IF if if if if you lost time and a half then all overtime would be free work with no pay at all. Geeees!

Well, this is the third thread where I've posted this link (sorry for the repetition), but this should help answer your question.

If you live in a state with stronger overtime laws, then this regulation shouldn't affect you. If you live in a state with weaker or no overtime laws, then this regulation could affect you.

Click on your state to find out about your particular situation. It does look like you might be ok in Pa.


Hey lizz - you are 'da bomb !

That is one of the simplest and best websites I've ever seen to answer my basic questions. If only the laws were actually written so succinctly !!!

Thanks again !!!

Well, this is the third thread where I've posted this link (sorry for the repetition), but this should help answer your question.

If you live in a state with stronger overtime laws, then this regulation shouldn't affect you. If you live in a state with weaker or no overtime laws, then this regulation could affect you.

Click on your state to find out about your particular situation. It does look like you might be ok in Pa.


Hey lizz - you are 'da bomb !

That is one of the simplest and best websites I've ever seen to answer my basic questions. If only the laws were actually written so succinctly !!!

Thanks again !!!

Florida where I reside is a "right to work" state-the old law in regard to overtime was very simple. It was a seismic shift-this law-to confuse the issue-and leaves a lot to intereptation-this family-since the 30's-have a long history of fighting anything from child labor laws, social secuity, medicare, outsourcing-anything that may benefit athe low and middle income american worker. And this law is more of the same. If they ever told me no OT-I would walk out the door. Thanks for the reply.
It's typical among people who are used to actually WORKING for a living and not used to having things handed to them. It's a very refreshing attitude, and it's a shame that YOU can't see it for that. I have FMG physicians working in our hospitals as surgical assistants because they can't get licensed here. They work long hours, but make far more than they ever did in their home countries, and are THRILLED to be here.

The costs of everything go up. If companies can't make a profit, they go out of business. Unions don't seem to really care about that. Witness the Delta pilots union as Delta struggles to keep out of bankruptcy. The Delta pilots are the highest paid in the industry. Who looks cheap in all this? It ain't Delta.

Do any of you remember Eastern Airlines? A company can't lose money forever. Sooner or later, it will die.

And he's not settling. He understands what work is. He has to feed his family. He obviously prefers to do that instead of whine and collect welfare. He should be applauded for his work ethic, not criticized because YOU think he's settling and somehow taking something away from you. I'm sure he has no problems with self-respect.

Y'know what would really improve things here in the ol' USofA would be to bring back sweatshops ... Golly, how I miss the days when people expected to work hard instead of getting a handout, and really appreciated any little handout the ol' bossman felt like giving them! :chuckle

The people you are speaking of came here because employment conditions are so much better here than in their own countries. Who benefits and who suffers if we reduce the conditions here to 3rd world standards??? The employers benefit and the workers suffer (which, clearly, is just fine with the Republican party, but it's not ok with me ...)

Y'know what would really improve things here in the ol' USofA would be to bring back sweatshops ... Golly, how I miss the days when people expected to work hard instead of getting a handout, and really appreciated any little handout the ol' bossman felt like giving them! :chuckle

The people you are speaking of came here because employment conditions are so much better here than in their own countries. Who benefits and who suffers if we reduce the conditions here to 3rd world standards??? The employers benefit and the workers suffer (which, clearly, is just fine with the Republican party, but it's not ok with me ...)

I'm not talking about sweatshops. And I'm not talking about reducing conditions to 3rd world standards. Some people don't realize how good they've got it. The work ethic in this country is horrible in many areas.

Compare it to some of the foreign-born students in our public schools. How many valedictorians and salutatorians are foreign born? How many perfect SAT scores are from foreign-born students? It's a disproportionately high percentage. Why? Their work ethic is different. They don't expect to have things handed to them. They expect to work hard to succeed. They assume that they will succeed only through their own efforts and hard work, not because of a government-mandated or provided program.

Specializes in Geriatrics, DD, Peri-op.

The above post is exactly what I thought about that situation. It's better here than anywhere in the world and foreigners know this.

I really think (but I could be wrong) that this law is for salaried employees. If that is the case, they don't get overtime anyway. I dunno. It doesn't matter to me. If I don't get overtime, I ain't working it. And, if the J-O-B has a problem with that, I'm sure I can find another place of employment that won't.

If any of these "learned" professional RNs vote for Bush after this, I don't want them caring for me in a hospital setting.

This is simply a ridiculous statement. A nurse's political opinions play no role in their skills. What if I would have said I don't want a gay or Hispanic nurse taking care of me? Oh, that's different, is it? Pshaw. :rolleyes:

HI- from Miami--I read where another writer stated there is no difference between Bush or Kerry concerning this new OT law(actually it is not new it has been a work in progress publicly for about a year. First let me say-Bush said he had to redo it because the old OT law was confusing-I never see what was confusing about the old law-plain and simple-if you worked in excess of 40 hrs. you received OT. This new OT law is a payback to big$$$ contributors to the Bush/Cheney Election in 2000. Nothing more, Nothing less. This TakeBack was hatched by the REPUBLICAN president,congress and senate. They control both houses so the democratic oppostion could push this law back-they tried-Senators- Gebhardt,Kennedy,Kerry,Daschle-but sadly they are in the minority! I am 58 years old so I have seen a lot in my varied working career-I will tell you-starting from the genesis of Social Security and the GI Bill of rights for Veterans, Overtime(created by Pres.F.D.Roosevelt-laws in 1937)-Medicare and Medicaid-created by Pres. L.B.Johnson-1965-democrat. HeadStart for the young Children. The Family Friendly Leave Act-1995-created by Pres. Bill Clinton --where workers can take time off to care for a sick family member--all these laws benefiting us as workers were bitterly opposed by REPUBLICANS and this is fact-Don't beleive me??-check it out for validty in the Federal Register(final record of laws enacted and who did it) and see whose President's Signature is on the Final Legislation.John Kerry stated publicly, for the record, that he will roll this piece of cruel and unfair OverTime Law with the stroke of a pen immediately if elected. It is within his Power, as President! It is sad that only now most nurses are becoming aware of the law-as a year ago-nurses could have mounted a national campaign to pressure their congressmen/women and senators to vote this travesty down. RN's in the VA system will take the hit due to federal laws-the rules say LPN's will not be hit-BUT-I think they will because, speaking from experience, I was a team leader at the VA with two nrsg. assts. under me to supervise and in this case-they could now exclude me from OT. The langauge of this law is extremely vague-and was written this way on PURPOSE-to give management a lot of leeway in denying OT-always a contigency clause for denial.I think a lot of people are going to be very surprised-I hope I am wrong on this one.Unlike the old and clearcut law-OT FOR HOURS WORKED IN EXCESS OF 40-NO CONFUSION THERE! Nurses-educate yourself on the issues this 2004 election because this Election outcome will have Far-Reaching ramifications on your working career and Retirement Options. Bush has toyed around with the idea of raising the age at which you can retire and start drawing Social Security-to 68-70 years of age. I don't know about you-I don't want to wait to this age to retire-instead of a gold watch at retirement-they will hand you a pine-box! Democrats are not perfect-BUT compared to their history of passing at least some laws that I mentioned previously that benefit the working middle class, they are heroes in comparison. VOTE DEMOCRAT--VOTE KERRY/EDWARDS 2004 !! (ps-as viet-nam era vet-I can tell you I received 5 medals for my service-4 years active duty in the US Coast Guard-though not of the stature of John Kerry's for sure) Due to the vetting and chain of command involved in granting purple hearts,bronze and silver star medals-NO ONE could get all these medals unless they really earned and deserved them-the circumstances are reviewed up the chain of command-as a check to weed out non-meritorius claims and this is how it must be-Kerry got those Medals because he earned them-Plain and Simple-he may have other faults but this is not one of them! That group "Not-so Swift boat Vets is disengenous and should be ashamed of themselves! John Kerry had connections politically at that time and could have got out of vietnam for sure. Instead he volunteered for this dangerous duty with the extremely high possibility of getting shot and killed-I cannot imagine anyone putting themselves in Harm's Way just for Political Gain. Contrast Kerry's service to George(no show) Bush who is unable to account for his Guard Duty in 1971-72-now that is a point of discussion and deserves the process of discovery)To be honest- I served my country in this era(1965-69) and when I returned home -I had different thoughts about vietnam also-and was it WORTH it? I do not think so-55000 americans killed and vietnam went communist anyway a shortime later-so what did all those americans die for?? I hope Iraq does not evolve into the same situation but as it looks now, who knows...meanwhile Osama Bin Laden continues his plans for us....God Bless the USA from MiamiMike,Nurse:coollook:


HI- from Miami--I read where another writer stated there is no difference between Bush or Kerry concerning this new OT law(actually it is not new it has been a work in progress publicly for about a year. First let me say-Bush said he had to redo it because the old OT law was confusing-I never see what was confusing about the old law-plain and simple-if you worked in excess of 40 hrs. you received OT. This new OT law is a payback to big$$$ contributors to the Bush/Cheney Election in 2000. Nothing more, Nothing less. This TakeBack was hatched by the REPUBLICAN president,congress and senate. They control both houses so the democratic oppostion could push this law back-they tried-Senators- Gebhardt,Kennedy,Kerry,Daschle-but sadly they are in the minority! I am 58 years old so I have seen a lot in my varied working career-I will tell you-starting from the genesis of Social Security and the GI Bill of rights for Veterans, Overtime(created by Pres.F.D.Roosevelt-laws in 1937)-Medicare and Medicaid-created by Pres. L.B.Johnson-1965-democrat. HeadStart for the young Children. The Family Friendly Leave Act-1995-created by Pres. Bill Clinton --where workers can take time off to care for a sick family member--all these laws benefiting us as workers were bitterly opposed by REPUBLICANS and this is fact-Don't beleive me??-check it out for validty in the Federal Register(final record of laws enacted and who did it) and see whose President's Signature is on the Final Legislation.John Kerry stated publicly, for the record, that he will roll this piece of cruel and unfair OverTime Law with the stroke of a pen immediately if elected. It is within his Power, as President! It is sad that only now most nurses are becoming aware of the law-as a year ago-nurses could have mounted a national campaign to pressure their congressmen/women and senators to vote this travesty down. RN's in the VA system will take the hit due to federal laws-the rules say LPN's will not be hit-BUT-I think they will because, speaking from experience, I was a team leader at the VA with two nrsg. assts. under me to supervise and in this case-they could now exclude me from OT. The langauge of this law is extremely vague-and was written this way on PURPOSE-to give management a lot of leeway in denying OT-always a contigency clause for denial.I think a lot of people are going to be very surprised-I hope I am wrong on this one.Unlike the old and clearcut law-OT FOR HOURS WORKED IN EXCESS OF 40-NO CONFUSION THERE! Nurses-educate yourself on the issues this 2004 election because this Election outcome will have Far-Reaching ramifications on your working career and Retirement Options. Bush has toyed around with the idea of raising the age at which you can retire and start drawing Social Security-to 68-70 years of age. I don't know about you-I don't want to wait to this age to retire-instead of a gold watch at retirement-they will hand you a pine-box! Democrats are not perfect-BUT compared to their history of passing at least some laws that I mentioned previously that benefit the working middle class, they are heroes in comparison. VOTE DEMOCRAT--VOTE KERRY/EDWARDS 2004 !! (ps-as viet-nam era vet-I can tell you I received 5 medals for my service-4 years active duty in the US Coast Guard-though not of the stature of John Kerry's for sure) Due to the vetting and chain of command involved in granting purple hearts,bronze and silver star medals-NO ONE could get all these medals unless they really earned and deserved them-the circumstances are reviewed up the chain of command-as a check to weed out non-meritorius claims and this is how it must be-Kerry got those Medals because he earned them-Plain and Simple-he may have other faults but this is not one of them! That group "Not-so Swift boat Vets is disengenous and should be ashamed of themselves! John Kerry had connections politically at that time and could have got out of vietnam for sure. Instead he volunteered for this dangerous duty with the extremely high possibility of getting shot and killed-I cannot imagine anyone putting themselves in Harm's Way just for Political Gain. Contrast Kerry's service to George(no show) Bush who is unable to account for his Guard Duty in 1971-72-now that is a point of discussion and deserves the process of discovery)To be honest- I served my country in this era(1965-69) and when I returned home -I had different thoughts about vietnam also-and was it WORTH it? I do not think so-55000 americans killed and vietnam went communist anyway a shortime later-so what did all those americans die for?? I hope Iraq does not evolve into the same situation but as it looks now, who knows...meanwhile Osama Bin Laden continues his plans for us....God Bless the USA from MiamiMike,Nurse:coollook:



Your point being??

Specializes in Critical Care,Recovery, ED.

Back to the original topic. Workers who are paid hourly receive OT based on law. This change involves who can be exempt and who isn't. Exempt means you are not required to be covered by the time and one half requirement. It doesn't mean that an employer can't pay you time and one half if you are exempt it just that he is not obligated to. RNs have always been exempt, most employwers chose to pay RNs by hourly rate because it was simpler and easier for 24/7, part time and PRN coverage. If an employer wants to make all RN salaried they can but to do it is at their own risk as the market demands hourly compensation.

To those who bemoan the lack of work ethic miss the following point.The taking away of OT, if done, is just a reduction in wages for the same amount of work. I don't beleive the employment market as a whole will allow this time become widespread.

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