Published Aug 1, 2014
105 Posts
Proud and super excited to say that I'm fulfilling my lifelong dream of becoming an ER/Trauma nurse. When my friends were asking for toys and video games at Christmas, I was asking for a stethoscope and BP kit. I got both and a microscope as a bonus surprise. My family used to dread coming to visit because they knew that a scary little 9 year old was was about to "put the squeeze" on their arm and make them "take deep breaths."
I embarked on this journey in 1991 after high school and was "side tracked" with Naval service, which I'm very proud of, and would not trade for anything. After leaving the Navy in 2003,I started again, then "life happened", (I was raising my son and caring for my sick father with Alzheimer's)and I had to postpone my dream until last year. I'm just older and wiser now. That's the only difference. I have rediscovered my passion and the fire burns inside of me stronger than ever. You can only run from your true calling for so long. Eventually it will catch you. I hope this is inspirational to those who may be second guessing themselves. Never, ever give up!
739 Posts
That's great! I wish you much success in the future! Hopefully you will soon be "putting the squeeze" on actual patients;)
Carpediem1012, BSN, RN
315 Posts
I wish you the best! Sounds like you will make a great nurse :)
Haha! Thanks. I can't wait.
153 Posts
Similar story. Spent 11 years in the Navy growing up and starting my family. I finally feel like I'm ready to start the path to my dream. Congrats to you and good luck!!
71 Posts
You're probably not much older than me. I'm going to be 36 in September and I keep thinking to myself that I'm too old already and I should just be a CNA until I retire. Those are my negative thoughts trying to get in the way. I really want to work in the ER or Labor and Delivery. Your saying, "You can only run from your true calling for so long. Eventually it will catch you." is very true. Thank you so much for that because I have been trying to run out of fear since Science (Chemistry, Microbiology) is very hard for me to comprehend, but I'm going to learn it one way or another no matter what it takes! I will do it even if I'm 60 by the time I finish. Thank you! Good luck to you!!
7,108 Posts
All the best biosciencegeek! I really feel that students who have been tested by life and still cling to their dream are very focused students. There are many people who have successfully launched their careers in their 30s, 40s and beyond. Best wishes to all aspiring nurses!
lakmom12...Best of luck to you as well Shipmate. :)
Future LVN 40....Very well said! There are numerous resources on You Tube that will help you immensely with Micro, A&P and General Biology. My personal favorites are Professor Fink and Dr. Mandi Parker. Go to You Tube and search these channels:
Mandi Parker(A&P has microbiology lectures as well)
Professor Fink(A&P, General Biology with great Chemistry review. Pharmacology)
Anatomy GMC(A&P)
Phrm203(Dr. Steven Farmer. Pharmacology and GREAT drug calculation strategy(dimensional analysis) He calls it, "Burger Math". It's ridiculously easy.)
Once you are on their channels, go to "playlists" and enjoy.
68 Posts
You made me feel so much better! I just turned 30 and enrolled for my first semester of pre reqs for the ADN program. I have wanted to be a nurse for as long as I can remember and life prevented me from being able to do so. My negative thoughts keep telling me i am too old, but you have made me feel MUCH MUCH better!
julzgarcia....I'm so happy I helped. :)
843 Posts
Excellent and exciting, BioScienceGeek and everyone else!
You do not realize how very young you still are. Compare yourself to me, new CNA and nursing student who just turned 60. (My cousin also got her CNA at 60.) You all are at the perfect ages. Enough experience to be focused and bodies that still have plenty of juice. And all the wide and wonderful options of a nursing career ahead of you. Feel the joy, future nurses!