Fall 2018 CSN Hopefuls?

U.S.A. Nevada


Hello Everyone! After much consideration I have decided to apply for CSN ADN and then I will do the RN-BSN program at NSC. It is more cost effective for me that way. I am in the summer Biol-189 course right now with hopes of getting into AP1 for Fall 2017. I am planning on taking Micro online with Marian University to get some more points in before the March 1, 2018 deadline. Then AP 2 in the Spring!

Is there anyone else out there working on Fall 2018 admission? Where are you in the process???

Have any of you heard about the cutoff points for the Fall 2017 and Spring 2017 cohorts? I wanted to apply for the part time, but considering CSN only accepts 16 people vs the 100+ for the full time, in addition to that I won't have everything done then full time it is for me.

Good of luck to you all! 😊

Dean, NICE!!! I've done the HPO before but obybapplication Time it will be just outside 2 years, so I'm doing both the HPO and LEO online ...
I did it before 2+ years ago...I wish I would have met with an adviser back then and not tried to figure it out on my own.

I've looked into the bridge at ... I did my first BS at GCU and I've heard their bridge is decent too. But given the option I'd rather just continue at CsN and get it over with while still in school mode

I've looked into the bridge at WGU... I did my first BS at GCU and I've heard their bridge is decent too. But given the option I'd rather just continue at CsN and get it over with while still in school mode

Me, too. Especially since requires the student to be working as a nurse...if I'm a new grad without a job for months, I'd at least like to be making progress toward the BSN with my spare time.


Here is the link to calculate your points

Thanks for the link! I believe based on this I could have 30 points. That's very encouraging considering they are admitting people with 20.

Definitely see if you can apply! You can call and set up to attend the health program and limited entry orientations in-line. Since both are required to apply

Definitely see if you can apply! You can call and set up to attend the health program and limited entry orientations in-line. Since both are required to apply

Thanks again! You're super helpful. I had no idea I could attend everything online! ! I'll be calling them on Monday. I'm so excited. I just submitted my transcripts. ..praying my courses transfer and are evaluated on time :/. And I pass the stupid TEAS.

Good luck everybody! !!!

It's still early I know! But Has anyone submitted their application yet? I take my teas for my 2nd attempt on 1/27 and will then have everything to submit..

This week I have my adviser meeting, then I'll do the application workshop (online?) and hopefully have it all complete and turned in Friday. I wish I had a better quality home printer...maybe I can just use Kinko's or something?

Fall 2018 ADN Completion Packet Checklist

I thought I was ready... While filling a draft "ADN Completion Packet Checklist" I noticed my BIOL 189 is more than seven years old. Other than that, I have all the pre-req, science and gen ed courses complete. Hopefully the adviser will have some sort of work-around to try.

EDIT: I was just reading old threads and it looks like there is some possibility of substituting chemistry for Biol 189. Luckily, I have a fresh 5 credit chemistry course "A" available.

Time is short, though.

I would not wait on an advisor to ask. I would call carol Murray admin in the nursing office . She'll be able to tell you if you'll need a substitution waiver for chem instead of 189 . OR I believe there's also a proficiency exam to show you are still competent In The subject.

Actually, my advisor meeting is Tuesday. I watched for earlier time slots and one opened. The sub/waiver is complete and ready to submit.

To make my forms legible, I used "PDFescape." Its a free, online and hassle free service if you don't have access to Adobe Acrobat. Maybe everyone already knows about it, but it was new to me and very welcomed. Originally I tried filling out the checklist by hand, and it looked like a three year old's chicken scratches.

Subwaivers take about 10 weeks! Hopefully you won't t need it and it's just an approval process. When I heard about getting out of 189 if you had another BSN level science I was speaking to the then director of nursing so hopefully it still Ganda

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