Need help preparing for the Hesi A2 Entrance Exam

U.S.A. Michigan


I bought the study guide but I have heard it is not much help when preparing for this test. I will be taking it in Nov at MCC. I was wondering if anyone bought "Hesi Test Secrets" from Morrison Media. It is $40, but it is worth it?

Any study advice would be appreciated!

Just took my test yesterday. Passed with an 89% overall average. Here are some helpful hints. You need to know which tests your school requires of you. All tests that are in the study guide will be listed on the computer, and you have to take it upon yourself to pick the ones required of you and take those specific ones only. I had to take the Math, Vocab, Reading, and Grammar (took me about 3 hrs). Thoroughly reviewing the study guide definitely helped me. Math: Know the metric/English conversion table from the book (volume and capacity, length, weight and mass (liter,gal,qt,pt,c,oz)(also know how to convert between grams, kg and lbs). I memorized it, and then wrote it down on my scratch paper to reference as needed. What wasn't in the book I looked up on the internet for conversions. There were several questions that utilized the table. I did not have any Roman numerals, or temperature, but military time was on there. There were many "proportion" questions. Make sure you are good at those. Fraction, percent, etc, nearly everything in the book was on the test. Go through each section in math and do the practice questions and then take the practice test. If you have no problem doing these, and you have the conversion chart memorized, then you will ace the math test. Vocab-read the study guide and try to understand what they are looking for in an answer. This will up your score. Make sure you read the examples they give you, especially what the difference between some words are (between vs among, etc) that will be on the test. Grammar: grammar is easy for me, so if you aren't good at it you may run into some trouble. I did find that a few of the things from vocab and grammar that had been in the book were on the test, but not enough to bump your grade by knowing them. Reading: is just like what is in the study guide. Each test that I took had 55 questions apiece. They have a metal detector wand and make you empty your pockets, so don't be stupid. They make you take off your watch. They let you go to the bathroom but it counts against your test time (they don't stop the clock). There is a computer calculator you can use. It is a pain though because you have to use your mouse and click the little numbers on it rather than type using the 10 key. My test was to start at 6pm but they say to arrive 30 minutes prior for check in. It took me 2 minutes to check in and they let you start the test immediately, they don't make you wait until your start time (as long as computers are available). You must lock up your belongings in the locker except your drivers license. They make you carry that with you at all times, and you get a key for your locker. If you are reading this and wondering whether or not you should fork over $40 for the study guide, fork it over. It's definitely worth the money and you can probably re-sell it on an online bookstore if you don't write in it.


Ha, I felt like i was there with you, as the same things happened to me as far as going to the bathroom, checking in, etc. Good job on your test! I hope Monylove does well! Still waiting to hear from her!:coollook:

Hi Everyone,

First of all I wanted to thank everyone for the feedback they give on this website. It helped me out with the Hesi Exam today. Luckily I passed on the first try with an 85%.

VOCABULARY ( got a 74%) was definitely the hardest one for me because the words and definitions were not the same ones in the Evolve Study Guide. I got a 74% on the vocab part which was the worst score I got for the exam. The words I can remember from the exam are LABILE,OVERT,TOXIC,CONCAVE, & PATENT.

READING (got a 96%) was very easy. Just relax and ready the passages carefully. It's like an open book exam. :yeah:

MATH (got an 82%) was the 2nd most difficult for me because we were not able to use pencil and scratch paper. I studied the math problems

by solving them all by hand on scratch paper and was very shocked when I got to the test. There was a calculator provided but some of the fraction problems requires a paper and pencil to solve. There were plenty of PROPORTION questions as well as conversions of ounces to pints.

GRAMMAR (got an 88%) was not as hard as i thought it would be. English is my second language so I was afraid of this portion but the questions were pretty basic like the difference between THEIR, THEY'RE, THERE, ETC.

Here are the 2 most helpful websites I found. Hope it helps. :idea:

so i just got done taking my hesi a2 exam this morning. I was freaking out because i mostly studied for A&P and biology. I did very well on that part with 88% on both. What i did was that i google khan academy and watched his videos over the bio part. Watching it really helped me on the a&p. the a&p is very basic, just review everything. it doesnt answer any detailed questions. Chemistry was easy too. know all your bonds. math was very easy. it has a lot of fractions. make sure u know how to convert improper fractions and multiply and divide fractions. also know you ratios and proportions. vocab, just study the hesi a2 study guide vocabs. reading is basic too...its very much similar to the hesi a2 study guide. i also bought the kaplan nursing entrance exam book to read the information and study it. it helped but the kaplan testing is A LOT harder then the hesi a2.

Hi Daverica,

Can i please get a copy of the study guide? thank you so much!!

Hello Everyone,

I'm new to this site but I would like ANY advice you all can give me in regards to the HESI A2 Exam. I plan on taking it in a couple of weeks. In addition, if you all can send me any study guides please email me at [email protected]

Thank you all in advance!

Hi everyone,

I am new in this site. I will take Hesi test next month, I feel so stressful. I failed Teas test a few months agoe and I found out the reading is my worst and I did not even have enough time to finish my reading comprehensive section. I wondering is the reading section is more focus on medical or any topic? is the vocabulary like definition or synonyms? I really appreciate anyone can help me.

I have a question if you take the enterence exam (Hesi A2) and you only do bad on the Chemistry section can you just re-take that section or do you have to do the whole test over again. This is for Chamberlain College in Arizona.

i am really nervous about this exam.. i take it tomorrow at 1230.. i am more worried about biology, chemistry, and math more than anything.. if anyone can please please please shed some light on anything else i could study for these that would be great.

for example.. for the math, how much of it is based on conversions? and for chemistry, is there a lot of questions based on moles, etc?

thank you for any help you can give!

When I studied for the hesi a2, i purchased a couple of products (morrison media, mosby exam review) that I thought were not helpful at all. I actually found a website with free hesi a2 practice tests that I thought were helpful (

The math portion was mainly on conversions and dosages. The grammar was pretty straight forward. The vocab had some words like labile, occluded, distended etc.

thanks for the advice!! yeah i got a 98% on the math section, a 95% on english, grammar, and reading, and i have to retake the science portion.. and for me it's just bio and chem.. so now i just have to pass that and i'm good! any advice on websites for those two? i've looked everywhere.

When I studied for the exam I used this website. good luck

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