Need help preparing for the Hesi A2 Entrance Exam

U.S.A. Michigan


I bought the study guide but I have heard it is not much help when preparing for this test. I will be taking it in Nov at MCC. I was wondering if anyone bought "Hesi Test Secrets" from Morrison Media. It is $40, but it is worth it?

Any study advice would be appreciated!

Hi everyone!

I took the Hesi Entrance Exam on the 17th and did pretty good on it! From my understanding, there are 2 types of Hesi Entrance Exams- one that doesn't have Science, Chemistry, and A & P questions and one that does. The one I took did have Science, Chemistry, and A&P on it. I do have the Hesi Entrance Exam study guide. There are 2 study guides- 1 just tells you all the Science, Chem, and A&P things you need to know (it doesn't tell you everything in detail, its just a general outline of what you should study for the test). Then there's another one that has no Science, Chem, or A&P in the study guide. It strictly deals with Math and English, Grammar, Vocab.

My suggestion is to go to Amazon and buy any Pre-Nursing Entrance Exam books. I bought 3 different kinds, and studied in detail all the Science, Chem, and A&P. I found all of these be extremely helpful and found a lot of what I studied to be on the exam. No matter what entrance exam you are taking for Nursing, all of these books will be beneficial to you.

Best of luck to you all!! God bless!

Hi everyone!

I took the Hesi Entrance Exam on the 17th and did pretty good on it! From my understanding, there are 2 types of Hesi Entrance Exams- one that doesn't have Science, Chemistry, and A & P questions and one that does. The one I took did have Science, Chemistry, and A&P on it. I do have the Hesi Entrance Exam study guide. There are 2 study guides- 1 just tells you all the Science, Chem, and A&P things you need to know (it doesn't tell you everything in detail, its just a general outline of what you should study for the test). Then there's another one that has no Science, Chem, or A&P in the study guide. It strictly deals with Math and English, Grammar, Vocab.

My suggestion is to go to Amazon and buy any Pre-Nursing Entrance Exam books. I bought 3 different kinds, and studied in detail all the Science, Chem, and A&P. I found all of these be extremely helpful and found a lot of what I studied to be on the exam. No matter what entrance exam you are taking for Nursing, all of these books will be beneficial to you.

Best of luck to you all!! God bless!

Art of Grace----

Congrats! Can you tell me where did you find the study guide at for the hesi exam with the science portion??? I've been looking everywhere for a study guide... with no luck! thanks and Congrats again


I am send you the study guides that I have for the Hesi test. Just private message me your email address and I will send it to you! : )


I am send you the study guides that I have for the Hesi test. Just private message me your email address and I will send it to you! : )


thanks.... But how do I private message you my email address??? I'm somewhat new to this site so I don't know much about messaging.

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I took the Hesi this past January. I scored 95.57%. I studied only from the Hesi study guide. I believe it's from the makers of the Hesi (evolve-reach):). You can probably find it at your campus bookstore. I took mine for MCC. It included grammar, vocab, A&P, math, and reading comprehension. Honestly, most of the stuff on the exam was in the guide. The most difficult part for me was the grammar. I have a friend who took the hesi also in January. She didn't do well because English isn't her first language. So even though she has a 4.0, she will surely not be in this fall. Anyone who is taking this that has english as their 2nd language will really want to focus on the grammar, vocab, and reading comprehension. Other than that, you may want to focus a little extra time on A&P from another source it you aren't very confident about it.

I took the Hesi this past January. I scored 95.57%. I studied only from the Hesi study guide. I believe it's from the makers of the Hesi (evolve-reach):). You can probably find it at your campus bookstore. I took mine for MCC. It included grammar, vocab, A&P, math, and reading comprehension. Honestly, most of the stuff on the exam was in the guide. The most difficult part for me was the grammar. I have a friend who took the hesi also in January. She didn't do well because English isn't her first language. So even though she has a 4.0, she will surely not be in this fall. Anyone who is taking this that has english as their 2nd language will really want to focus on the grammar, vocab, and reading comprehension. Other than that, you may want to focus a little extra time on A&P from another source it you aren't very confident about it.


That's wonderful! Congrats. I do have the hesi evolve book, but decided to purchase the kaplan for additional studying. It didn't seem like the hesi evovle reviewed a lot of the material for the a&p; and since I have been out of school for a couple yrs, I wanted extra material to study!

I believe that my school that I am testing at PSC has the same topics on their exam. Is mcc Moraive Valley community college? How in depth are the A&P questions??? Also how many questions are there for the A&P section. I know I'm asking a lot of questions.... just EXTREMELY NERVOUS!!!! :barf02:

nique281 - Hi. MCC stands for Macomb Community College. I also bought the kaplan book. I looked at it once and decided not to bother with it. I focused on the hesi study guide and i'm so glad that I did. For me the A&P part had, I believe 25 questions, but I think it may be differen't for each school. They were pretty easy. Know all of the basics. If you have access to an A&P book, it may be a good idea to brush up on it if you haven't had the class in awhile. I think there's a book called A&P made easy. Check out your library. At Macomb, we had to take A&P 1 and 2 condensed into 1 class. It was very intense. Good Luck To YOU!

If anyone has an study guides I would like to get it as well please! I have a few that others have sent me but I am trying to get as many guides as possible so that I can prepare for the test. I took it once before and only got a 76% because I had not taken AP and Chemistry before. (Chem was on the test I took) I am going to start preparing to take it again this Summer so any help you can give would be greatly appreciated! THANKS!

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I picked up one yesterday from the Public Library. If you don't need to own it, that is a cheaper way to go.

Hi, could you tell me what type of vocab words were on the hesi test? Is it mostly medical words? Thanks!

Hi, how'd you do on your hesi test? I am set to take mine next month...any tips you could give me would be great!

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