Need help preparing for the Hesi A2 Entrance Exam

U.S.A. Michigan


I bought the study guide but I have heard it is not much help when preparing for this test. I will be taking it in Nov at MCC. I was wondering if anyone bought "Hesi Test Secrets" from Morrison Media. It is $40, but it is worth it?

Any study advice would be appreciated!

The exam was not as difficult as I thought it would be. I scored an 88. I don't remember a lot medical terms... if any, just basic (or should I say not so basic) terminology. I don't remember off hand what terms they used. I wouldn't stress out too much about the reading/vocab section (unless you know these aren't your strong points) I would focus on more on the science portion b/c the questions are pretty detailed. Good Luck!!!!!!!!!!!

artofgrace, could you please send me the study guide. i am about to take hesi soon.

Hi Blue_River,

In order to send you the study guide you need to private message me and send me your email address. This website does not allow email addresses to be put into posts due to spam and things like that. So just private message me your email address and I will send it right away.

Thanks! God bless!

Hi ArtofGrace,

the hesi test a2 that you have is it cover math, vocab, reading and grammer? or does it include chemistry and biology?

Hi Cellz, the Hesi entrance exam we took cover Reading, English, Vocab, Comprehension, some med terms, Anatomy and Physiology, Chemistry, Biology, and Math. Basically, we reviewed old stuff we already knew and learned new stuff that we needed to know for the test.

Hope that helps! : )


I took the hesi test 3 weeks ago and I got only 75% ; I had touble in vocabulary. Mine only cover grammer, math, reading and vocab. I have the evolve study guide and the mometrix one. DO you happen to have a different study guide that you can share in pdf and send it to my email? That would be great. I only have one more chance to take it and if I failed I have to wait for 6 months and after that no more chances. Btw which school are you applying to? im trying to go to WCU . I have been on the waiting list and seems pretty long and thinking WCU will be the faster road to get my degree and start earning money.

Do you know any other school in so cal that doesnt have a wait list for bsn by any chance? I finished my pre reg 5 years ago and some school doesnt except you if it's more than 5 or 7 years. Im nervous what to do, I just dont want to retake the pre reg again and waste money n time for it.

Thank you

Hi, could you tell me what type of vocab words were on the hesi test? Is it mostly medical words? Thanks!

I had a few medical terminology words on there, but a lot of them are commonly known ones or ones you learned in anatomy. I had never taken medical terminology and I got a 100% on the vocab section (which is impressive seeing as how I bombed the vocab section on the SAT haha). So that tells you how easy it is :)

Try to apply at ORU. Getting into the Nursing Program is pretty easy.

Thank you all for your posts! They have been very helpful in narrowing down what I need to study for my upcoming a2. :)

Hi Cellz,

Don't be bummed about the exam! Parts of it are tough especially if you don't remember or haven't taken A&P. I do have 2 study guides if you are interested. Just private message me your email address and I will send them over to you.


I took the hesi test 3 weeks ago and I got only 75% ; I had touble in vocabulary. Mine only cover grammer, math, reading and vocab. I have the evolve study guide and the mometrix one. DO you happen to have a different study guide that you can share in pdf and send it to my email? That would be great. I only have one more chance to take it and if I failed I have to wait for 6 months and after that no more chances. Btw which school are you applying to? im trying to go to WCU . I have been on the waiting list and seems pretty long and thinking WCU will be the faster road to get my degree and start earning money.

Do you know any other school in so cal that doesnt have a wait list for bsn by any chance? I finished my pre reg 5 years ago and some school doesnt except you if it's more than 5 or 7 years. Im nervous what to do, I just dont want to retake the pre reg again and waste money n time for it.

Thank you

I *just* finished my a2 test today. Everyone here is so helpful, I want to share, too! :) For reading, vocab, math and grammar, the Hesi study guide was VERY helpful! Nearly everything in the book was on that test. Some that I can think of - proper use of it's, there. How many ounces in a half gallon? Roman numeral translations, military time, meaning of patent, labile, overt. That kind of thing. Critical thinking was very hard for me, someone who has had NO medical background at all. All of the questions are situations in a hospital or home health, what should be done or said first? Which patient do you treat first? One thing that helped me, I borrowed a NCLEX study guide from the library and read the hints in that. This helped with some of the critical thinking questions, I learned things like, always asses first before doing any treatments. Hope this helps you guys who need to study!

Oh, one of the grammar questions had to do with how you address an envelope... They are creative!

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