Published Feb 9, 2004
796 Posts
i need to leave nursing... i hate it. .i hate every minute of it... i dread going to work... i cry on my way in...... i hate it. i know it is not for me.......but i dont know what else to do...... im sorry for ranting...... i just had to vent....... i hate being a nurse
zambezi, BSN, RN
935 Posts
CCURN-- I'm so sorry to hear this! Why do you want to leave nursing? I know that you were considering the CRNA route for this not a good path anymore? If you need to vent- you know this is the place to do it... I wish you luck...but for the sake of nursing, I hope you decide to stay with it...:kiss
114 Posts
Your post reminds me of myself a while ago, before I realized med/surge nursing was NOT for me!!! You need to figure out exactly what it is that makes you so unhappy about nursing. Is it the high stress in the CCU? Do you have bad management? Unsafe conditions? There are so many things you can do in nursing! Maybe you need to start looking outside of the hospital setting. Please realize that no job is worth being so unhappy over!!! :kiss
sharann, BSN, RN
1,758 Posts
What do you hate? Can you tell us? Is it poor staffing, or bad orientation? Are you just overwhelmed and working too much OT?
Try to put it into words, why you cry going to work etc..
Feel better, ok.
470 Posts sound like me this weekend...except I'm just in school (1st year/2nd semester) and I feel like I've made a huge mistake going into nursing. I hate clinical so much it's not even funny!! I keep saying to myself..."just get past med/surg." I keep hoping that once I get into L&D I'll fall in love with it. God I hope so...I just keep thinking about all the $ I just might have wasted!
I just sit in my car before clinical and think about how much I don't want to go in there...I literally have to force myself to just go...
What exactly do you hate about nursing?
live4today, RN
5,099 Posts
((((((CCURN)))))) Thought you could use a big warm friendly hug to help ease your frustration with nursing. :kiss
I know all to well the stress you speak of in today's nursing. Many of us in nursing relate to what you feel and would like nothing more than to see it eradicated from the nursing realm.
I pray you take some time to breathe, think, and re-evaluate what it is you really feel passionate about in life. If that passion turns out to be nursing, then perhaps the next step to take is finding exactly what in nursing you can focus on and achieve for your own sanity and joy as a career...not just a job.
Vent as much as you feel the need. That is one reason we all come to these websites that gather us together in groups so we can feel we have a "safe haven" in which to vent and express ourselves without condemnation. Lord knows we get far too much of that in the real world in which we work. :kiss
8 Posts
I hope it gets better for you. Some times If I just give myself a few quiet moments and do a little meditation... I find the answers come more easily.
It's not for everyone. But I do hope you find serenity in whatever you choose to do. It's not easy nowadays.
Hellllllo Nurse, BSN, RN
2 Articles; 3,563 Posts
Originally posted by cheerfuldoer [b.......Vent as much as you feel the need. That is one reason we all come to these websites that gather us together in groups so we can feel we have a "safe haven" in which to vent and express ourselves without condemnation. Lord knows we get far too much of that in the real world in which we work. :kiss [/b]
[b.......Vent as much as you feel the need. That is one reason we all come to these websites that gather us together in groups so we can feel we have a "safe haven" in which to vent and express ourselves without condemnation. Lord knows we get far too much of that in the real world in which we work. :kiss [/b]
Amen. Much understanding and support for you, (((((((CCURN.)))))
20,964 Posts
take some time for yourself; be kind to yourself. and IF you really need to get out, try something new. MAYBE you are just not in "your niche"....
don't be hasty.
take some time. I remember feeling like you did my first year, too. It passed and I am doing well almost 7 years later.
take care now.
boggle, ASN, RN
393 Posts
To get as far as you have, you must have a lot of skill...marketable, adaptable skill. It's clear from what you wrote that your job stinks, it's not for you. But, please don't close the door on nursing entirely just yet. There are loads of other jobs in nursing that may be the perfect fit for you.
Please take time to explore other options to use your skills and your hard earned license. Acute care is not everyone's thing.
May I ask what other nursing jobs/ areas you have worked in?
heart queen
206 Posts
OMG! I'm so sorrry that you''re feeling like this! but I want to share an experience. I left a postition that I excelled at and loved, went into heart transplant and I hated it for months, even called in twice because I just couldn't "do it" those two days. The newness and change and just feeling soooo out of my element about broke me. I was making mistakes left and right which just beat my self confidece to the GROUND!
It took years to be proficient, a solid year in my previous job to even enjoy it, only 5 months now and I'm starting to enjoy this change.
So here's my worthless two cents. I already know I won't stay where I am forever. I am finally comfortable enough to show up the next day without that dreaded feeling, and enjoy it most days. I stay because I'm learning, for now that's enough for me.
If you've given the CCU at least 6 months, then you're either in the wrong facility, or the wrong unit. Becoming a CCRN you need CVICU, open heart experience. If you are getting it, then you'll need to eval. long term goals. If it is the day to day BS, management or staff, please consider a facility change, if that option is there in your area.
Nursing is so versitile, one year you birth babies, the next the NICU, maybe oncology, need 9-5 hours? short stay or ambulatory care, management, utilization review... you get the point. It's probably not nursing, it seems too soon to tell.
Consider calling nurse managers on other units and shadowning a nurse for 4 hrs and see what other area are all about.
sorry you're feeling so frustrated. If you're truly done, then remind yourself of your endless options, and start looking at the endless future and many choices that so many careers don't have
1 Post
What I don't like is the mind games that are played. A good example is I have been a nurse for 8 years and never called out on a weekend I was suppose to work. I worked every other weekend for 8 years and got very sick and called out the whole weekend. The hospital made a new rule about a year before this trying to get people who called out sick to "make up" the weekend they called out. For example, I could work a Friday the next week and Saturday a few weeks later. I worked with people who called out all the time, that is why they made this rule.
Well, a year goes by and my manager never enforced the rule. Then, I get sick and she tries to get me to make up my weekend. I told her I had a Dr.'s note and it did not matter. I reminder her of the 4 nurses who had called out the past 6 months and she never made them make their weekends up. My attitude was well, do what you need to do, and I will do what I need to do. And I did. I quit and got a better job. What happens if you have a baby? Do you make up the days you missed? Or, if you have surgery? My manager did not know what to say. There was no difference between what I had and somebody else having a baby.
What do you think about the above? Does your hospitals have these stupid rules? I hate when hospitals treat the staff like a peice of meat. Thanks for listening.