hello everyone, i am a senior in high school about to graduate soon, i am special ed just to put that other there i process things a bit slow but nothing too serious, i have always had an absence problem which would explain my grades and weak areas of learning. i do make it to the honor rolls every here and then i make up my work and i manage to get some A's but mostly B's and C's. oh and im not good at math (i hate it) and im not good in science(Hate it). i am very anxious for college, i am very undecided on what i want to do in general! i don't know if i should go to a community college and take remedial classes and the transfer to a four year or just go to a four year college? i want to study Nursing i don't know what area of nursing i want to do yet but to be honest with you all, i don't really have a "passion" for it shall i say, i'm just interested and i would not mind it and ALSO because nursing is a field where your always going to be needed and you make a decent salary. i REALLY don't see myself in anything else such as business or anything. I know that Nursing is NOT easy its very competitive and time consuming.. Here are the colleges that i applied to: Lehman college( parents really want me to attend here) Hunter college (i doubt i will get in).. NYC Tech, la guardia cc, queens college and bronx cc.... can anyone please give me some honest in sight and advice about this.. do any of these colleges have good nursing programs which do you recommend and do i have a chance?!
i would appreciate your answers!