Published Feb 17, 2005
254 Posts
ok....kind of FREAKING out!
NCLEX tomorrow @ 11am...
looked @ some patho that i was not totally comfortable w/and some meds that i wanted a "refresher" on today (I know your not supposed to look @ NCLEX stuff the night before but I felt I should).
I will let you guys know how it goes!
94 Posts
good luck!!! let us know how it goes!
maire, ASN, RN
1,173 Posts
Sending positive vibes your way! Take your time, THINK your way through it, and good luck!
Fun2, BSN, RN
5,586 Posts
Well, you're probably taking the test now, or will be soon (depending where you are located.)
Wishing you all the luck!!! :)
145 Posts
Good luck! Let us know how it went.. :)
OMG just got out of there..... :uhoh21:
Computer shut off @ 75 questions!!!! I know thats either really good or really bad!
I had NO new format questions!
I had a ton of "priority" questions with the "which patient would the nurse see first", a ton of pharm, and i would say the last 10 question were the analysis type questions, although in the beginning i could tell some were comprehension level!
Now the waiting begins!!!
Anyone know of the earliest you can check the CA BON website to see if your name pops up? I have heard 2 days-7days you can you think that includes Sat/Sun?!?
Now gotta get my mind off this!!!!!!
Of course who am I to speak since I haven't taken it...but I think shutting off at 75 is great!! Did you recognize the meds or were they really random meds?? I have a friend who took it yesterday and her's also shut off at 75. I think you both will do great!! Before you know it your PICURN screen name will be absolutely correct!! GOOD LUCK:) Send any tips you may have my way
My friend said it took her about 2 weeks.. I'm not sure why the length of time varies.. I'm taking it next tuesday and the pressure is killing me! At least now you can go out and have fun instead of worrying about studying for now!
The meds were really really random!!!!!!
I think Garamycin was the only one I was familiar with! They had some Digoxin but it wasn't really a pharm question, more just integrated into the stem of the question. OH and there was a question about Synthroid, INH and Rifampin, Aminophylline
but there were a handful that I had NEVER heard of!
At least now you can go out and have fun instead of worrying about studying for now!
that's TRUE but at the same time now I'm worrying about PASSING......can't wait until I can finally be DONE with all the anxiety!!!!!!!!!!
jnette, ASN, EMT-I
4,388 Posts
..that's TRUE but at the same time now I'm worrying about PASSING......can't wait until I can finally be DONE with all the anxiety!!!!!!!!!!
You'll be fine.. just FINE.
Relax and get out the party hats.
928 Posts
Keep us posted!
still haven't heard yet!
hopefully there will be something on monday....but then again there's a poster on this forum who took it on tuesday and still doesn't see her name on the BON website!!!!!
I'll keep you guys posted.....