nclex today

Nursing Students NCLEX


I took my NCLEX today and feel like throwing up! It stopped at 75 and I feel like I did horrible! I live in Ohio so I should know tomorrow! Trying to think positive for now.:redbeathe

Specializes in Medical and general practice now LTC.
Specializes in Med Surg, Telemetry, Long Term Care.

goodluck and be positive. relaxxxxxxxxxx

Good Luck, stay positive!!:up:

I live in Ohio and am taking nclex August 7th.

I keep reviewing but it really just depends on the mix of questions you get dealt I guess. I see a lot of people are emphasizing infection control as an area to focus on. Okie-dokie!

The Pearson Exam Cram seems to be lining up with what our meds pub review lady told us - like she said the v-tach and v-fib are usual dysrhythmias on the nclex and those are the only two in the Pearson book. I am focusing on those two.

stay positive and best of luck to you!! :up:

Specializes in trauma,ortho, neuro.

Good luck hopefully in 2 days u will be telling us u passed

good luck to you!

don't forget to breathe.

Congratulations fellow Ohioian...this has to feel good! Now you have a whole month of summer to enjoy and after the day we had today, I was wishing I could "go out and play".

Any great words of wisdom that you want to project my way? Someone just said they had 75 questions but "there was no way they were entry level questions" but after reading up, I guess that means she had hard questions and she likely passed.

Well, congrats! Blow some good juju towards Cincinnati on the 7th!

Specializes in OR/DR/RR, Surgical Unit.



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