Published Apr 14, 2008
RheatherN, ASN, RN, EMT-P
580 Posts
So question.. the plan was always to go with a friend from school to take the NCLEX-RN. I am no longer close with her, but thats besides the point. our instructors and dean say that we should not be going with anyone else. I cannot go and sit in a hotel room the night before my boards by myself. i would GO NUTS!! so what do you guys suggest? go alone? with a friend? with significant other? i think that my significant other going will be my calming.. he wouldnt come to the test facility with me the next day, but just for him to be there and support me the night before and the morning of....he knows i will tell him not to say anything about it the morning of, but you guys get my point...
Thanks in advance!
suzanne4, RN
26,410 Posts
I personally would go alone if you can afford the hotel or motel room on your own. You need to get a good night sleep and not be worried about anyone else in the room with you. You also should be going to sleep early, if with someone else, you will worry about entertaining them.
Best of luck on your exam.
racing-mom4, BSN, RN
1,446 Posts
Ditto to Suzannes comment. Go alone. I could not imagine taking the test with someone else I know in the room, as I would be thinking "hmm I wonder what question they are on? Hmm I wonder if they are almost done"
Then god forbid they got up and walked out and your still going.
As far as the night before. Drive by the testing center so you know where you will be going. Make sure you pack your bag, have your ID the ATT and a granola bar. Then go get carry out~~ something light to eat, not too spicy and not too rich. Bring a DVD of a movie you have been wanting to watch and go to bed early. Set your alarm and then call the font desk and ask for a wake up call as well.
In the am get up, enjoy the continental breakfast--think protein and head out.
Best of luck....just remember to breath deeply and know that it is all there in your head. If you just cant figure out the answer, rule out the ones you know are not correct and then just guess. Dont get hung up on something you dont know.
Before you hit submit re read the answer you chose and pop it in to the question to make sure it fits.
Also---save your hotel receipt and food and gas receipts from this trip. You will be able to claim them on your 08 taxes. Since this is work related.
Best of luck....I love to hear happy Nclex stories.
Spidey's mom, ADN, BSN, RN
11,305 Posts
The testing center was in the same town as a good friend and so I stayed at her house, where she spoiled me with good food, a long walk and conversation. I got up early, had breakfast with her and coffee and headed out.
If she had not lived there, I would have followed the advice above.
During the test, I took my time . . sometimes sitting back in the chair, taking deep breaths and re-reading the question.
I wish you the best.
33 Posts
id say better alone. i did the same thing. brought my wife with me and got a hotel room close to the center. drove by it the afternoon before then went out to see a movie and have a nice dinner. got back to the hotel and went to bed early. woke up and had a light breakfast. then went into the center and slayed the beast. when you're alone you're thinking and worrying of #1 only. thats a good thing