NCLEX shut off at 118-120

Nursing Students NCLEX



I just took my exam for the RN and it shut off at around 118-120...I am so nervous right now. Any ideas if this is good or bad?

Specializes in pediatrics.

There is no good or matter what number it shuts off you will still feel miserable. When I took it, it shut off at 75 and I about cried. I had the feeling of "wait, give me one more question, I want to get one right!" I think you may have passed so give it a day or two and look it up online. I actually googled myself to find it. I hope this helps and I wish the best for you!

Thanks, I am so anxious...

I am an LPN already and when I took the LPN boards it shut off at 205 (the max)...So I am just gonna pray. I did not think the test itself was all that hard. But then again I thought the LPN one was hard and I passed so who knows.

There is no way to really know. I took an Nclex review course and the lady said that if you pass 75 questions, the computer has not made a concrete decision about your ability. As long as it is throwing out questions it is giving you a chance. I had a feeling I passed this time after so many fails because the last two questions that I answered I was a 150% sure I had the right answer right and it shut off. Sure enough, I passed. Otherwise, it is really hard to tell. If it shuts off at 75, it's a crap shoot.... you either answered everything you needed right, or you didn't.

Specializes in Psych, Skilled Nursing.
Thanks, I am so anxious...

I am an LPN already and when I took the LPN boards it shut off at 205 (the max)...So I am just gonna pray. I did not think the test itself was all that hard. But then again I thought the LPN one was hard and I passed so who knows.

good luck :)

Specializes in Medical and general practice now LTC.

Honest you just can not predict with this exam you can pass of fail with any number between 75 and 265.

Hang in there and good luck

Thanks everyone. Your support is really helping me feel better! I also tried the "trick" and it worked! Let's hope it's accurate...

hi kindness..mine shut off at 119.. i could definately relate to your experience..and i remembered feeling the same way you did..highest level of the way i passed the exam. just hang on..the only option is wait..think of happy thoughts as you wait for the result:up: keep on praying! godbless!:wink2:


Specializes in Rehab, LTC, Psych.

dear kindness 9972,


I know you must be elated!!! I take my RN NCLEX on the 24th, and I am so nervous. Doing alot of studying and praying!!!!!

I cannot wait to be done!!!!!!!!!!!!

You will do fine. My tips: the day before the exam get a massage or do something very relaxing. Read all the rationales for Kaplan trainer test (if you have it) or buy a good review book and study from that. The NCLEX is about concepts, so as long as you know that you will do fine. Oh and the Pearson trick works try that afterwards to give you some peace of mind.

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