NCLEX shut of at this good or bad?

Today I took my NCLEX and it shut off at 150...I almost threw up! I am so nervous, all of my friends got only 75 questions and passed. Is 150 bad? Please be honest! The test was so hard...I feel like I knew nothing. If anyone knows anything or has any info for me for the next few days I am waiting-I would appreciate it!

9 Answers

Specializes in ACNP-BC.
Today I took my NCLEX and it shut off at 150...I almost threw up! I am so nervous, all of my friends got only 75 questions and passed. Is 150 bad? Please be honest! The test was so hard...I feel like I knew nothing. If anyone knows anything or has any info for me for the next few days I am waiting-I would appreciate it!

Hi britt. I am taking NCLEX next week. I know that you can pass whether you have 75 questions, 150 questions, or 265 questions. In order to pass, the computer will stop when it has determined with 95 % accuracy that you have demonstrated minimum nursing competency-the level with which you need to get to to pass. Some people can demonstrate they are at that level with just 75 questions, and others may simply need more questions to show they are at that level- but you can still pass regardless of how many questions you get! So hang in there! Crossing my fingers for you!!! :)


Hang in there... I have a friend who passed at 255. I will keep you in my thoughts.

LaVonne, RN

Specializes in Med-Surg.

Unfortunately, you don't really know. That's the maddening thing. It can go either way with any number. The number of questions is not an indication of whether you passed or failed.

Hang in there and best wishes.

Today I took my NCLEX and it shut off at 150...I almost threw up! I am so nervous, all of my friends got only 75 questions and passed. Is 150 bad? Please be honest! The test was so hard...I feel like I knew nothing. If anyone knows anything or has any info for me for the next few days I am waiting-I would appreciate it!

I took it on Tuesday and had 158 questions and I just found out today that I passed! I thought the same thing about wishing that mine had shut off at 75, but apparently it was ok at 158. I felt stupid and was crying when I left the test center. I thought for SURE that I had failed, but I didn't so keep a positive attitude and good luck!!!

Today I took my NCLEX and it shut off at 150...I almost threw up! I am so nervous, all of my friends got only 75 questions and passed. Is 150 bad? Please be honest! The test was so hard...I feel like I knew nothing. If anyone knows anything or has any info for me for the next few days I am waiting-I would appreciate it!

Hey I know how you feel.The feeling of thinking you didn't know anything is perfectly normal! I had 83 questions and passed. My best friend had 165 and passed, and I had a friend with 216 that passed! I think this is the hardest part, waiting on your results but you will be fine. Keep yourself occupied until your results come back!!

K Kay

Unfortunately I can't say one way or the other. I also took my test Thursday 6/23 and got around 120 questions. I don't know which way I leaned--passing or failing. I had alot of prioritizing, delegation, 1 med calc fill in the blank, a couple of pharm, co GI questions, and about 4 or 5 check all that apply. I am going crazy waiting. I can't even go to sleep I am sOOOOOOOO stressed!! I will say a prayer that we both get positive results. I find out on Saturday through Pearson Vue.

Specializes in OB, post-partum, & nursery.

I took the NCLEX on 6/17 and had 145 questions. I know exactly how you feel!! Still don't know if I passed or not (I live in California). Will keep you in my thoughts. Good luck!!!!

I will say a little prayer for you!

Have you heard anything yet? I know exactly how you feel....see my previous post on this thread. I found out yesterday through Pearson's quick results that I passed!! I am sure that you did also. I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers!!

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