Nclex-rn Result In Ca

World International


Specializes in MICU.

Just a quick question:

Can I now apply to another state (like Vermont or Maryland) for NCLEX-RN exam eventhough I haven't received my NCLEX exam result in CA which I took last 3/9/07 in HK? It has been 9 agonizing weeks now and I'm pretty sure that if it's taking this long that I definitely failed the exam! My cousin who took hers in CA last 3/20/07 already got her passing result barely 4 weeks and it was mailed here in PI.

I'm depressed, but I just want to move on and waiting for the result is not making it easier...:o

Specializes in MEDSURG, IMU, ONCOLOGY.
Just a quick question:

Can I now apply to another state (like Vermont or Maryland) for NCLEX-RN exam eventhough I haven't received my NCLEX exam result in CA which I took last 3/9/07 in HK? It has been 9 agonizing weeks now and I'm pretty sure that if it's taking this long that I definitely failed the exam! My cousin who took hers in CA last 3/20/07 already got her passing result barely 4 weeks and it was mailed here in PI.

I'm depressed, but I just want to move on and waiting for the result is not making it easier...:o

I'm not sure exactly how, but you can check your name at look for the tab that says "permanent license verification" and type your name. This is how I found out my friend passed the exam. There might be other better way to find out...

Specializes in MedSurg.-Tele, Home health, LTC.
just a quick question:

can i now apply to another state (like vermont or maryland) for nclex-rn exam eventhough i haven't received my nclex exam result in ca which i took last 3/9/07 in hk? it has been 9 agonizing weeks now and i'm pretty sure that if it's taking this long that i definitely failed the exam! my cousin who took hers in ca last 3/20/07 already got her passing result barely 4 weeks and it was mailed here in pi.

i'm depressed, but i just want to move on and waiting for the result is not making it easier...:o[/quoute]

hello, i am sorry that you felt that way. i beleive everybody goes through the same feeling while waiting for their nclexrn result. since it was almost a month ago that you took your exam, i guess they mailed you the result, whether if you passed it or not. you know how slow is the mailing service in our homeland. however, the only way that you will definitely find out is to receive that "envelope" from ca bon. otherwise, you can email them also to ask about the result, the email add is located in their website. peeking in the "license verification" page in the website will not help either, because i beleive they will only post those with ssn. pls. don't feel bad, if you didn't make it this time. you can always do a another exam after 45 days from your first exam date. applying in another state will just make it more expensive for you. i suggest email the ca bon first. goodluck :-)

Specializes in MICU.

thank's a lot! yes, it's depressing but reading all of your encouraging post makes it easier for me. :wink2:

Specializes in Medical and general practice now LTC.

just to add if you apply to another state to sit the NCLEX you will have to go through all the process again, arranging transcripts etc plus you may need CES. IF you have to retake the exam and I know you are still waiting for result and hopefully you will get result soon, will be much easier to stay with CA and just pay to resit.

Good luck and keeping fingers crossed for you, let us know how it went

Specializes in NVICU, NSICU.

Hello, Blabber! There might be other issues why your result is not yet out. Your fingerprint card might have expired and the BON might be sending you request for renewal. When did you submit yours? Has it passed more than a year? I believe it's just valid for 1 year. They will release the result after you submit a new one for renewal, if this is the case. You can call the CA BON directly to clarify. I hope that you passed the NCLEX.

How about checking the result at PearsonVue.

Specializes in MICU.

i submitted my fingerprint card i think (if i remember correctly) july of last year so i guess, it's still valid. i was just thinking of going through another state because that's where i was given the job offer. i just applied for CA BON last year because i didn't have a CGFNS certificate which is required by other states. I also took the CGFNS last march 14 and was glad that i passed:lol2: ! newei, i do hope i receive the result of my nclex soon...:(

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I'm not sure exactly how, but you can check your name at look for the tab that says "permanent license verification" and type your name. This is how I found out my friend passed the exam. There might be other better way to find out...

If the nurse does not have a SSN#, their name is not going to be listed as no license will be issued. Only given a letter that they passed the exam.

Specializes in Med-Surg,OPD ER,School/Clinic,Teaching.

otherwise, you can email them also to ask about the result, the email add is located in their website.

do you know ca bon's email address? i couldn't see such information in their website.

please post it here(with the specific url link of the source page if possible), thank you.

Specializes in MICU.

their website is click on contact us at the right side and you will see the different email add that you can use to email them for a specific inquiry. i've tried to email them twice though and no response at all! good luck to you!

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