NCLEX was hard and I am sick!!


I took the NCLEX RN yesterday and found it tough. I think I missed the last question. I starting looking things up in my books (bad idea) and found I missed some simple things and got some things right. I did get priority questions, meds, 2 calcs, a few select all and I don't know what to think. I have a burning sick feeling in my stomach. Do you guys think its bad that I screwed up (due to nerves) on some easy questions? I got 105 and I know near the end I had a priority question and answered it right (airway/singed nasal hairs). PLEASE HELP and share your insights. thanks. jess

Specializes in Med-Surg.

Good luck to you. Take care of yourself today. Let the test go, it's a done deal, it's over, you can't rewrite the past. :)

Specializes in er, pediatric er.

I do not think anyone actually feels good about the test. I would "bet the farm" that I failed. i took it on Thursday. I won't find out results until Thursday of Friday of this week. It is the first thing I think of when I wake up, the first thing I think of when I go to bed. I worry about it all day. I kick myself about questions I should have known and answered wrong anyway. It is a universal feeling. I think it is set up to make you feel stupid, just like the SAT, ACT was.

Good luck

I took the NCLEX RN yesterday and found it tough. I think I missed the last question. I starting looking things up in my books (bad idea) and found I missed some simple things and got some things right. I did get priority questions, meds, 2 calcs, a few select all and I don't know what to think. I have a burning sick feeling in my stomach. Do you guys think its bad that I screwed up (due to nerves) on some easy questions? I got 105 and I know near the end I had a priority question and answered it right (airway/singed nasal hairs). PLEASE HELP and share your insights. thanks. jess


No confidence about the result, but still a relief.


Just a piece of advice that probably won't really work...

Just let it go until you get your results. You will worry yourself to death about it and there is nothing you can do to change it now! Try to relax and if things didn't work out this time, there is always a next time!

:balloons: Jaime

Specializes in PeriOp, ICU, PICU, NICU.

At least the stress if over for now (other than waiting for results). I am sure you did very well. Good luck to you and be back to post the good news.


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