Published Nov 26, 2014
Brian, ASN, RN
3 Articles; 3,695 Posts
We've all seen the increase in the number of reality shows. I think it would be good to have one featuring nursing students where all the participants are just trying to survive, making alliances with classmates and trying to get through this together. No time for real life...or vacations. The only vacation students could hope for is a virtual vacation to the destination of their choice.
Luckyyou, BSN, RN
467 Posts
Heh. Goggle?
17 Articles; 45,833 Posts
Not anymore.
We fixed it. Thanks for catching that. :)
KelRN215, BSN, RN
1 Article; 7,349 Posts
I don't see why nursing students don't have time for "real life or vacations". I had plenty of time for both in college.
RunnerRN2015, ASN, RN
790 Posts
I graduate in a couple of weeks and have taken several vacations while in school: Maui 3 times, Kauai, skiing in Colorado, visiting family in S. California, not to mention lots of weekend getaways.
No Stars In My Eyes
5,364 Posts
I work full-time and can't even afford to go to the movies at a theater. What' a vacation?
ReadyToListen, CNA, EMT-B
123 Posts
I'm not looking forward to being in school and working at the same time!