National University BSN April 2014 Cohort

U.S.A. California


Hi everyone!

I just recently applied to nursing cohort 38 starting next April in San Diego. I'm currently waiting for my teas and essay date. I'm so anxious to find out if I've been accepted or not but I've been told we probably won't find out until January or February! Is there anyone who is in the same boat as me? Hope to receive some replies on here! :)

Accepted! Congrats to everybody else who got accepted! To those who were denied, try again! I applied for Cohort 36 and was put in the alternate pool but didn't make the cut, boooo. Second time was the charm (: Can't wait to start this journey!

I actually found out the awesome news while I was shopping at the mall!! You could imagine how badly I was freaking out with all those shopping bags in my hand! Hahaha. But once again congratulations future nurses!!! All of our hard work paid off and it will continue to pay off as long as we stay hungry and aim for our goal of getting that nursing degree. We got this!! :)

Hi SDCaligirl! Did you make it??? I found out tonight that I was accepted and would love to get to know a few peeps before we start the 22 month long hell :)

That's a great idea! I'm so excited!

Okay I made a group for our cohort on facebook! Just type in "Nursing Cohort 38" and I'll add you to the group!!! :nurse::)

Congratulations to everyone who made it into Cohort 38! I am so ready to get started! HOW EXCITING...

I was so excited when I found out last night, but it felt kind of anticlimactic because my husband is out of town, so I had no one to celebrate with... So I just bounced around the house with my puppy being completely ecstatic!!!

I would also love to get to know some other people in our cohort before we get started (SDCaligirl, MJOHNSON, tiffanyryan, etc...) - Can I get in on that Facebook group as well? I tried typing in "Nursing Cohort 38 and I couldn't get any results... Let me know - I can't wait to meet all of you!

Search for me on Facebook.

Melanie Johnson

Add me as a friend and add you to the group.

Add me as well and I will add you to the group! I'd love to get to know my future nursing classmates!!! :) :) :)

Bianca Surdilla

Just added you :) @sdcaligirl

Thats awesome Melanie!!! I just added you on Facebook. Im Renielle, you'll see my message. Cant wait to meet everyone too!

Thanks for adding me on FB =D ... btw I'm curious, does anyone have an idea of when orientation will be? And regarding the essay scores, I thought I remember seeing my score from the last time I tried applying. They might show it in the portal somewhere or I think they emailed it last time.

They said they would email out official acceptance info in a couple days. I keep checking the portal though. And for the scores, it will be in the portal in a week or so. I think the orientation is a month before? I have no idea. I tried asking my friend who's in the program but she can't remember, her brain is fried from the past 18 months! Where do we get and does anyone have Medi-Cal for medical? I'm already swimming in debt from student loans, what's another $200/mo? :/

try NSO for it's less than $30 for a year

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