Moving to OKC area


Specializes in Behavioral Health.

Possibly moving to an area just East of OKC. I'm an RN with L&D, Psych, and a little bit of ICU experience. While I love L&D I may have to forgo it unless I can find that rare, golden day shift position...due to DH traveling a lot (military).

Seems like there are so many facilities to look at. Any of them that I should absolutely stay away from????

Thanks for your help!

I've heard a lot of complaints about Midwest City Hospital. I've never worked there though, nor have I worked L&D. :) Hope you like it here! Welcome!

Specializes in Behavioral Health.

Thanks for the heads up and the warm welcome. :coollook:

Specializes in Adolescent Psych, PICU.
Possibly moving to an area just East of OKC. I'm an RN with L&D, Psych, and a little bit of ICU experience. While I love L&D I may have to forgo it unless I can find that rare, golden day shift position...due to DH traveling a lot (military).

Seems like there are so many facilities to look at. Any of them that I should absolutely stay away from????

Thanks for your help!

I think I would stay away from Midwest City as well, but I have heard great things about Baptist.

Our local Psych Hospital is in Norman. It is a State facility. Good Benefits! Adequate pay. Lots of fun. :rotfl:

Specializes in L&D, Research, Midwifery Student.
Possibly moving to an area just East of OKC. I'm an RN with L&D, Psych, and a little bit of ICU experience. While I love L&D I may have to forgo it unless I can find that rare, golden day shift position...due to DH traveling a lot (military).

Seems like there are so many facilities to look at. Any of them that I should absolutely stay away from????

Thanks for your help!

I work in high risk L&D at OU Med Center and I love it there. I know ppl might warn you away from this hospital b/c of whatever reason (not as new, not as nice, type of patients seen, etc.), but I think it is a fantastic place to work. Not only is it the only level 1 trauma center in OK, but it is also a teaching hospital and has some of the highest tech units (all new ICU units and others). Anyway, everyone there has been so nice and supportive and it is such a huge hospital (Everett Tower, Presby tower and Children's) that there is ample room for transfers and upward mobility. If you like to stay busy and see a wide variety of patients & diagnoses - you'll love it there.

Is your husband AF? Mine is and we will probably be moving in a year or two. Where are you all coming from? I moved here from the East coast and was quite shocked, but I guess I have grown accustomed to most things! ;)


Specializes in Med/Surg.
I work in high risk L&D at OU Med Center and I love it there.

That's where my ma ended up after her accident. So glad that the trauma center remained open.

Specializes in Behavioral Health.

Is your husband AF? Mine is and we will probably be moving in a year or two. Where are you all coming from? I moved here from the East coast and was quite shocked, but I guess I have grown accustomed to most things! ;)


Not AF, but Navy. He's getting close to retirement and we've picked that area to retire to as a few of his family members are in the area and the proximity to a base, etc. We are in Illinois now (where I grew up) and I can't stand what seems like our 6 month long winter. We were stationed in Dallas a few years back and made frequent trips up to OKC.

Good luck on your next move. Do you know where you are headed yet???

Specializes in L&D, Research, Midwifery Student.
Not AF, but Navy. He's getting close to retirement and we've picked that area to retire to as a few of his family members are in the area and the proximity to a base, etc. We are in Illinois now (where I grew up) and I can't stand what seems like our 6 month long winter. We were stationed in Dallas a few years back and made frequent trips up to OKC.

Good luck on your next move. Do you know where you are headed yet???

I was born in Illinois on Scott AFB - pretty neat how small the world is! My parents retired here too, as well as my grandparents (both from the AF) and they like it here pretty well. My DH and I don't like OK too much, so we're looking forward to wherever the military moves us. We'll probably be going to Germany, Okinawa or Alaska next. I lived in AK for 8 years growing up, so I'd rather go overseas, but I heard that there are no a lot of opportunities for RNs over there on the military bases. Kinda bummed about that, as we don't have children and I really want to work after all this education and expense. So, we'll see.

Good luck on retiring. I bet it will feel weird to settle down in one place and not have to move anymore! I still get the itch to go every 4 years and now I'm going on my 5th year in OK, so I'm ready! :D

Specializes in Behavioral Health.

Good luck on retiring. I bet it will feel weird to settle down in one place and not have to move anymore! I still get the itch to go every 4 years and now I'm going on my 5th year in OK, so I'm ready! :D

The thought of retiring really does scare me. I look back on the journey that we've had over the last 15 years and I wouldn't trade it for anything. I've had the privledge of living all over this great country and meeting all kinds of interesting people and I think I will miss it. We have two kids, ages 8 & 10, and I know that for their own well-being, we should only make one more move. My 4th grader has been in 3 schools already. But they are surprisingly well adjusted.

My sister-in-law is active duty AF and never wants to come back stateside. She's been stationed in Germany, Korea, Turkey, Guam and next will be Belgium. She's young and single with no kids, so I happy for her that she's going all over.

I'm sure we'll talk again. :balloons:

Specializes in CCU,ICU,ER retired.

I worked at Integris Baptist for a while, I hated it. I have worked at St. Anthony's for almost 15 yrs and I love it. If you like pysch St Michaels is good, an affiliate hosp with St Anthony's. There are several hospital here in OKC and any one of them will hire you. I love Oklahoma, lots of nice lakes and plenty of stuff to do in my opinion.

Specializes in Behavioral Health.

Thanks so much for the info!!!

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