Moving to OKC area

U.S.A. Oklahoma


Possibly moving to an area just East of OKC. I'm an RN with L&D, Psych, and a little bit of ICU experience. While I love L&D I may have to forgo it unless I can find that rare, golden day shift position...due to DH traveling a lot (military).

Seems like there are so many facilities to look at. Any of them that I should absolutely stay away from????

Thanks for your help!

Specializes in L&D, Research, Midwifery Student.
The thought of retiring really does scare me. I look back on the journey that we've had over the last 15 years and I wouldn't trade it for anything. I've had the privledge of living all over this great country and meeting all kinds of interesting people and I think I will miss it. We have two kids, ages 8 & 10, and I know that for their own well-being, we should only make one more move. My 4th grader has been in 3 schools already. But they are surprisingly well adjusted.

My sister-in-law is active duty AF and never wants to come back stateside. She's been stationed in Germany, Korea, Turkey, Guam and next will be Belgium. She's young and single with no kids, so I happy for her that she's going all over.

I'm sure we'll talk again. :balloons:

I loved growing up in as an "AF brat." I loved traveling and moving, meeting new people and having friends all over the place. All my friends moved, so it wasn't so hard to leave - they were leaving or you were leaving, so it was all the same and the only way of life I knew. I think it has made me a more well rounded person - someone who's able to talk to anyone, anywhere, and someone who is very open to a variety of different cultures, languages, personalities, etc. I was shocked when I moved to OK and met people who did not know one person outside their race. That was just shocking to me. So, I think there are a ton of benefits to growing up in the military. I have friends of all races and nationalities, and friends that now live all over the US and world. I think that is pretty neat.

I know when my parents retired, my mom was relieved, but my dad was bummed. I know he really liked to travel and go on TDYs and all that fun stuff. I know I truly enjoy it - that is why I joined the Army and then married an AF pilot... I just can't seem to get away from it. ;-)

Well, hope to see you around the boards again... and good luck to you and your family!

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