

To all of those who have passed CONGRATS !! I hope to be in your shoes this time next week.

I am freaking out!! I have been sitting here taking practice exams all day...ugh

Which "format" of questions did you find to be most like the acutal test? Because between Saunders and Mosby, they seem quite different? Saunders seems much harder than Mosbsy...

Just wondering...thanks :)

Cyndi ... scared... Lou:specs:

Specializes in Med Surg, Telemetry, Long Term Care.

saunders is great.....

Specializes in PCU - Stepdown.

I didn't use Mosbys or Saunders so I can't tell you how they compare. I took Kaplan and it was exactly like the test. The question format, wording and some of the questions themselves were very, very similar. Whatever you decide to use, I think the main thing is to do tons of questions.

Good luck on your test, I'm sure you will do great! :p

I am in your shoes I am taking my test on Wednesday and as I sit here can feel my heart pounding.... I am over doing questions and feel like what I know is what I know but then I dont want to not do anymore cause then I will feel unprepared..... UUUUGGGGGHHHh..... What study aids have u been doing and what areas have u been focusing on?

Specializes in ICU/ER.

My favorite and the one I thought the most helpful was my Davis disk, but if your taking it next week, I dont think you will be wanting to do many more questions from now to then. I had and used Mosbys and Saunders I think I learned more from Saunders. I also did a Kaplans book and found that very useful, I did it in 24 hours so you would still have time, in fact I worked through that book about a week before my test, the last studying I did was that Kaplans book. I took thier 275 Qtest and scored 78% so I knew I was ready for boards. I just borrowed one from a freind of mine, ask around maybe someone you work with or went to school with has one.

Best of luck!!!

I thought the Saunders CD was easier than the NCLEX. I didn't use Kaplan - I used Princeton, which to me was much harder and much more like the NCLEX. I would recommend Kaplan, based on what I know about Kaplan and what I've read from others' experiences.

Good luck and keep us posted.

Saunders for me.

Specializes in ER.

kapplan is the shiz nizzle! wouldnt have passed w/out it and i mean that.

Are u referring to Kaplan review course or the book? I have the Kaplan book of strategies but i dont see it helping much ...

Until last week I was as nervous as all of you. But now I am a board certified RN, which means I made it through ! So now I have time playing with the internet to find interesting sites like this one.

What I found while I was preparing for the NCLEX-RN was that the questions are only helpful to exercise with knowledge you already have. So in the end I formulated my own questions cause they were for free and Kaplan and saunders and whoever do it just like that. hahaha... However, but since it was already 9 month since my graduation I had to go for a review and tutorial class here in San Diego and that has put it alltogether again for me. So my message is, if it has been a while since you graduated you need to get the big picture back and the fantasy questions for 100 dollars per book are just confusing. If you have just graduated just do whatever questions or read to keep your knowledge fresh. Then there is no drama like sitting for it ten times in twenty years, which is pretty devastating. Good luck to all of you !!


Are you referring to the Kaplan NCLEX-RN Exam 2008-2009 with CD-ROM: Strategies for the Registered Nursing Licensing Exam ?


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