Published Jan 29, 2010
73 Posts
Trying to figure this out. I have a 8, 6 and 20 month old. I dont work and the nursing program is 830-430 (m-f). Daycare for my son would be $150/wk and aftercare for the older two at school is like 400-500/month. We do not have this kind of money on one income.
How did you do it??
59 Posts
I'm in the same situation. I have 19 month old twins and I want to finish nursing school. I don't work, so I don't know how i will pay for childcare. I did find out that some schools offer assistance programs you can apply for. It also depends on the state you live in. Ask your counselor :)
177 Posts
I attend classes at night at the community college. My clinical day is Saturday. My husband is able to watch the kids but he has to come home early, two days at 3:30 and two days at 4:30 and can no longer work Saturdays. He owns a construction company so I am fortunate that he can make his own hours. So far it is working out for us.
400 Posts
it depends on the state you live in. you may want to look into subsidy programs for child care. this is what i did since i have such a low income and i go to school full time. i pay 1.00 a week, that's it! the state will decide what you will have to contribute based on your income.
start the process by talking to your county's social services office, they should direct you from there.
good luck to you
186 Posts
I have a 5 year old (still in preschool 3 days because she has a late b-day) and almost 2 year old twins. I went through and I have someone coming to my house for $185 a week for up to 20 hours.
660 Posts
I had a 5 year old, 2.5 year old and then had a baby during break between 1st and 2nd semester. Basically I worked at home nights and weekends (my grades show it) the first year and then we used up our savings from the sale of my business the second year. It cost us $1800 a month for childcare just while I was in school. It was an outrageous investment. Now I'm a stay at home mom with a degree.
I am on a waiting list for daycare subsidy but it is a long waiting list. I was also told by them that working parents get funds before ones in school so it sounds like never on that.
Nights is also not an option since the program is only days. I guess I can take out extra private student loans worst case but that would by horrible. I am going to owe enough as it is!
Babyheart, BSN
58 Posts
Check at the local library and with neighbours/local moms groups etc if there is somebody who would help with the kids. It would be way cheaper than daycare/afterschool care.
yikes! a waiting list? sorry but that strikes me as odd.
the subsidy program i am using is for students in vocational programs/healthcare programs.
i know it's stressful but you are going to need to research deeper into resources that seem out of reach.
905 Posts
I considered several things when my kids were young... the out of pocket costs, of course... of school itself and the other things like operating expenses of the car. Also, the time value of money and risks of any loans (I learned a lot from Dave Ramsey). Also, how much I was saving money by having time to cook, time to shop garage sales instead of buying, time to mend clothes, time to research frugal living ideas. I freed up my husband to do what he needed to do to get raises and promtion. I couldn't afford school or a job when my kids were little, so I waited until I could.
I know it is isn't politically correct to say all this, and I know life happens and that people don't always have a choice. I almost didn't say anything because it is common to be misunderstood about it but so many people do not realize how much difference staying home with the kids can make in the economic wellbeing of the family. Maybe it will help someone.
Ok, and yes, I did count more than the economics, I don't want to sound more calculated than I am, but I'm not going there.
I am in FL and Have checked into every resource I can find, if you have any suggestions that would be great.
I have been a stay at home mom for 8 years now and I am 30 and I feel the pressure to do something now. I am also ready. I am determined to make this work way or another!
CrunchyMama, ASN, RN
1,068 Posts
Wow...that's a really demanding nursing program! I can't imagine having to go to school that much. I have 2 kids, 6 and 3. Anyway....I'm lucky to have my sisters, grandma and now one of my friends will be watching them some of the time. I really can't help, I just want to wish you luck! :/