Published Jun 30, 2015
8 Posts
I am a 23 year old stay at home mom with a 1 year old. I recently got accepted to the Nursing program at my local community college and failed my 7 week Pharmacology class with a 77.1%. I needed to get at least 80% to pass. I get one retake this fall with a foundations class, clinicals, and labs. I wonder should I just quit while I'm ahead. It was very hard to figure out time management with my daughter studying and stress. My teacher told me to ask myself if now is the right time but later could be harder as well. I have cried and cried over this for the past two days. My husband says he supports whatever I chose to do. I just feel like I have failed in life because of this. I feel like maybe I'm not smart enough or I don't have what it takes. I'm not strong enough. I just want a great career that allows me to help others (I really want to work with Neonates or Labor and Delivery) and provide for my family. But I also want to be a good mom to my daughter and not neglect her. What should I do? Are there any Nurses that went through Nursing school with children? How did you do it? How did you manage your time?
I don't want to quit but I'm starting to think maybe I have to.
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It sounds like you really want to be a nurse so I would say you should go for it. Only you can know if NOW is the right time though. I'm starting nursing school in August with 3 children, although mine are a bit older (9, 6 and 2). I'm planning now and preparing for all the extra work by freezing meals, working out childcare for busy studying times, and setting up a designated study area. You may have to think about your support network and decide if there is anything you're doing now that you could hand off to someone else or let go for the time being. Good luck with your decision!
OrganizedChaos, LVN
1 Article; 6,883 Posts
I will be applying to nursing programs at the end of this year/beginning of next (year). My son will be 2 (I will be 27) when I get into the program, it will be tough. But I will have daycare & back ups, just in case. Only you can decided if now is the right time for you.
Maybe take the time to figure out how to manage your time better & who can watch your child so you can study. If you really want it don't let anything get in your way.
Thank you sounds like great ideas and congrats to you
Adele_Michal7, ASN, RN
893 Posts
Don't quit. You came pretty close, and pharmacology isn't easy... For anyone! You can use this time at home to study. You're going to do this.
Thank you so much I think because I did come so close it hurt me the most. I thought to myself All that hardwork to fail?
385 Posts
There were about 30 students in my class, we lost two along the way. There were only three of us who did not have children. Everyone graduated, everyone passed. People with kids go to nursing school and manage their families every day. Just do it.
mzrainydayz, BSN, RN
364 Posts
Never give up on your dreams of becoming a nurse. I had to put nursing off until my daughter was 4, she started child development. It was the best decision because I didn't have to pay for child care anymore. When she turned 5 I had to put her in a after school program. I often felt like was neglecting my daughter, but she understood the best she could for her age that mommie was doing this so we can have a better life financially. I took her to Disney World after I graduated and she was like mommie I am so glad you got a better job. She is so proud of me and looks up to me. With all that said plan things out and get family members or friends to help you, in the end you wont regret it. Wishing you good luck in your nursing journey.
151 Posts
Don't quit. You will always wonder about what might have been if you do.
Be sure to meet with the faculty and ask them what you should do differently to pass. Do not be defensive, do not make excuses, listen and then do whatever they say. Schedule a meeting with this person for every two weeks, so you don't fall behind. Ask if there is a tutor.
Think about how you learn best. For example, if you are visual, look on You Tube, where there are dozens of pharm videos ranging from simple to high level. Become a time management expert. Use every spare moment to study pharm. For example, write key points on index cards immediately after lecture. Carry them with you and review them when in line at the bank, etc. Or go over the Power Points out loud while taping your voice, then listen to them while driving to school.
I worked full-time and went to school full time with kids in first and third grade (would not do it again--it was too hard on my kids). I used to go to bed with then at 8:30, then got up at 4AM to study on the day of tests. Hard, but possible.
Ask your family to agree to do laundry for you and clean your house in place of Christmas and birthday gifts.
Calculate out for your husband how much money you will make over 40 years as an RN (It will come out to about $2 million bucks) and talk about what that would mean for your lives. Then ask him to make a list of tangible things he will do to help you have time to study and to get there.
This is doable, but the more organized you are and the more help you line up, the better.
Thank you so much. I'm going keep trying harder then ever.
windsurfer8, BSN, RN
1,380 Posts
Your post is totally self defeating. You say you are a "failure". You say you are "not smart enough", "don't have what it takes" and that you will "neglect your child".
All those are excuses to not complete school. It is ok if you do not want to...MANY people do not want to be nurses. If you TRULY have studied your absolute hardest and failed then maybe it is not for you. Forget the "neglect your child" stuff as it is not cool to essentialy say if it weren't for your child you would be a nurse. Are you saying it is your childs fault you are not a nurse? Do you believe the nurses on this forum who have children are "neglecting" their children? I would counter they are teaching them a lesson about surivival and hard work.
Forget the woe is me stuff. It will get you absolutely no closer to anything. I FIRMLY believe becoming a nurse isn't about being super smart. It is about HARD WORK. If you are willing to work hard enough to pass nursing school and take the NCLEX then dang right you deserve to be an RN.
Instead of focusing on shortcomings focus on what you want to do..NO EXCUSES. If you study..and I am talking night and day HARDCORE studying then more than likely you will pass. It is up to you.