Micro Fall 2010


Figured I'd go ahead and start a thread for those of us taking Micro in the fall.

What books are you guys using? Anyone know of helpful sites,videos, etc?

I am also taking Micro over the fall and the book we'll be using is "Microbiology an Introduction by Tortora". I am really looking forward to this class as is my last pre-req... yey....:yeah:

This is my last pre-req also. We are also using the Tortora book. Gotta see if I can get it online or rent it from Chegg. Its almost 200 bucks in the school book store:uhoh3:

I'm taking micro in the fall too. Advice would be good.

Specializes in Family Nurse Practitioner.

when is your first day?

I am using the Tortora book also, but I don't have a lab book listed. I bought a brand new international version for $60.00 with the online access codes from Abe Books.

My classes start on Aug. 23 and my professor has good ratings on Rate My Professor, so I am really looking forward to it.

I have been browsing through the book and there are some good clinical pictures. My teenage daughter happened to open it to the infections of the eye part and screamed in horror :eek:. I think she's scarred for life.

It has good gross out factor for family and friends. Just as a heads-up, there are graphic pics of STD's for those with little ones.

Regards, LB

i am also taking micro this semester. the book we are using is foundations in microbiology by talaro.

any helpful advice for taking micro would be greatly appreciated!!! i need to maintain my 4.0, and i am worried this micro class will ruin that for me :uhoh21: does anyone know of any helpful sites/videos for micro (in addition to the ones posted in the thread).

I am using the Tortora book also, but I don't have a lab book listed. I bought a brand new international version for $60.00 with the online access codes from Abe Books.

My classes start on Aug. 23 and my professor has good ratings on Rate My Professor, so I am really looking forward to it.

I have been browsing through the book and there are some good clinical pictures. My teenage daughter happened to open it to the infections of the eye part and screamed in horror :eek:. I think she's scarred for life.

It has good gross out factor for family and friends. Just as a heads-up, there are graphic pics of STD's for those with little ones.

Regards, LB

using the exact same book, it sure does have some gross pics, was looking through it and got grossed out myself, i guess this feeling will pass,...i hope :eek:

Specializes in Family Nurse Practitioner.

My registration page has the first day as 9/1 but the syllabus is 9/7?? can't find an email for the professor. The ratemyprof posts have me terrified.


Oh no , Have you looked on the school directory on the school Website to find your Professor, should have # and e-mail posted on something.

Hey everyone,

I'm taking both micro and A&P this fall. The book we are using is Microbiology, 7th ed. by Black. The used book at our bookstore is $156.50, so I'm looking to see if I can find it cheaper online. Here's to all of us passing this class with flying colors! :yeah:

When does everyone start? I start on 8/16. Well thats the day school starts again but my Micro classes will start on 8/17

I'll be taking Micro this upcoming semester, AGAIN.

Starting August 30th, 2010.

Hopefully I succeed this time around.

@ happified

so was micro that hard? i'm already stressed about micro!! i also start aug 30 @ tcc.

@ ganellt

i am using the same book microbiology, 7th ed. by black , i found the 6th ed. on craigslist for $60, so you might check cl out.

"here's to all of us passing this class with flying colors! " thats awesome ;thats the attitude we need :) tks ganellt

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