Micro Fall 2010


Figured I'd go ahead and start a thread for those of us taking Micro in the fall.

What books are you guys using? Anyone know of helpful sites,videos, etc?

Specializes in Neuroscience.
I got my acceptance letter right before my lab final!! That took a little pressure off the test.


Happy Holidays everyone:o

Yayyy I kept my A, don't know what I made on the final, but it must have been better than I thought! Not that I'm being pessimistic about going into nursing school, but I know my GPA will probably take a hit so it was nice to make all As this semester to give it a boost going into nursing school. Good luck to everyone else taking exams. Enjoy your holidays!

Specializes in Family Nurse Practitioner.

Final was tough, had a solid B going into it?? I need a 40 to pass so enough its done! My GPA will take a tiny hit

Specializes in Family Nurse Practitioner.

Survived with a B ill take it!!

Specializes in Neuroscience.

It's OVER!

Made it out with an A.

I really enjoyed the class and my instructor, and I will miss her. I've had her before for bio and I was grateful to have her for my last pre-req. I almost feel as though I started and ended the journey with her.:o

All that's left is the three month wait to find out if I'm accepted into the program. Wow. I began in Summer 2009 and here I am.

Good luck everyone and hope to see you all on the Nursing Student board this Fall!:nurse:

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