Micro Fall 2010


Figured I'd go ahead and start a thread for those of us taking Micro in the fall.

What books are you guys using? Anyone know of helpful sites,videos, etc?

Oops, I created a duplicate thread for this since I didn't see this topic. >_

I'm also taking microbio in the fall for 2010. I'm starting first week of September. I don't have a syllabus or know what books to order yet as it's at a CC I haven't taken classes at previously.

Let's all study hard and get As! :D

Ordered my book from Chegg today. The Tortora book. $56.49 on Chegg compared to almost 200 bucks at my school book store. WOW!!! What a deal!!!

Specializes in Family Nurse Practitioner.

I wish I had a same book buddy??

  • TITLE:Microbiology
  • AUTHOR:Tortora
  • EDITION:10th

I Bought mine at a local used bookstore for about 10 dollars plus the study guide for about 5. THey are both ninth edition but that should be bad I usually buy the older edition for my books and nothing horrible has happened yet :)

I loved Micro when I took it. I used a study guide book called Microbiology The Easy Way... it was a really great study guide. I have it listed on half.com if anyone is interested in buying it let me know.

I am taking micro this semester as well as anatomy. I'm super nervous about it!

My book is Alcamo's Fundamentals of Microbiology by Pommerville and my lab is Techniques f/Microbiology Student Handbook by Lamert.

Classes start August 30th.

I am also taking anatomy 1 and Micro and also pretty nervous about it too hopefully it turns out great for both of us!!!

I have my fingers crossed!! I am really excited to get started though. Something about Micro and Anatomy makes me realize that nursing school is so much closer than it was before.

Hey micro buddies, just signing in :lol2:. Taking Micro online this fall and we will be using the Tortora book

Specializes in med surge, PCU, Tele.

Hi everyone! I'm taking Micro this fall too. Already have A&P I and II finished. I will be finishing my last gen ed classes this fall and applying for NS in Sept for Spring 2011. We're using Tortora also. Good luck to us all!

First Class Today. Wow! We are off and running already. Daily quizzes in lecture class so need to be ready for them. We had a quiz the first day of class. Geesh. But it was easy breezy. It was a short quiz on what he lectured on. Nothing hard.

I like my lecture prof already. Not sure about my lab prof yet. Lots of lab reports for Lab. Grrr.

I found out from a friend about Textbooksrus.com today. Too bad I already ordered from Chegg. International Edition Textbooks at bargain prices! The Tortora Book is 68.54 and don't quote me on this, but I understand that it comes with the CD to access mymicrobiologyplace.

I found out from a friend about Textbooksrus.com today. Too bad I already ordered from Chegg. International Edition Textbooks at bargain prices! The Tortora Book is 68.54 and don't quote me on this, but I understand that it comes with the CD to access mymicrobiologyplace.

I also bought an international version book through Abe Books and it does have the code with it.

I start on Tuesday, I thought I was going to have more time to prepare, but I am doing volunteer work at the hospital for the next three days. Oh well, out of the frying pan into the fire:rolleyes:. I have the same professor for lab and lecture:idea:. I heard that he is passionate about Microbiology, hope that is a good thing.

Best, LB

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