

can you get into nursing school by just memorizing.

Specializes in NICU, ICU, PICU, Academia.

You can get in maybe- but you cannot be successful IN a nursing program as nursing involves the application of concepts and topics to situations. You cannot memorize how to connect-the-dots (AKA critical thinking)

You've already posted that you're getting C's. What are you doing now, if not memorizing?

I got into nursing school by just memorizing the information. Im doing pretty good so far.

"Can you get by in nursing school with having short term memory?" Answer is no. What is important before nursing school is having productive and efficient study skills for long term memory. Reading skills seem to lack with many students. Work on your reading comprehension. Do you still have some knowledge of your A&P? If so, you will need it to answer NCLEX style questions and more importantly knowledge for your first nursing job.

Specializes in NICU.

It is possible to get into nursing school by memorizing, but impossible to get through nursing school by memorizing. By the end of nursing school, tests will be application questions instead of definition questions.

You are asking a question that will ultimately prove irrelevant. If you get into nursing school with rote memorization but are unable to adapt the knowledge to application you will not succeed.

If you take what you have memorized an then actually learn what the material means you WILL succeed. Really that simple.

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