Meg Whitman addresses the CA nursing shortage


Look up truthfornurses. She is going to use budget savings to produce more New grad Nurses because California has a NURSING SHORTAGE...lovely...

Just what we need Meg more new grads....we need JOBS!!!

Specializes in Emergency, Administration.

...just another bullet point to add to the very long list of why I won't be voting for Meg Whitman in November...

:uhoh3: I'll know who to not vote for!

Yeah. That many more people to get a job instead of me.

Specializes in Peds/outpatient FP,derm,allergy/private duty.

This whole website is lame.

.TRUTH FOR NURSES Incorporated into it's copy is the assumption of a "nursing shortage" and some crap political boilerplate probably written by a supporter of Meg who isn't plugged in to the actual nursing community.

But then, Meg herself isn't plugged in either. When you combine that with her failure to vote for decades- reveals her as an intellectually lazy dilletante (on public policy) reminiscent of Carolyn Kennedy- and she sounds about as committed as Carolyn's Uncle Ted did when asked, "Why do you want to be President?"

Specializes in NICU.

she's an idiot...and this further proves that point.

Specializes in Med-Surg.

Meg Whitman has said she wants to roll back regulations to 2004 and cut 40,000 state jobs. That means she will go after our nurse to patient rations and most likely cut school nurses. The cut throat corporate world is much different than those who are in charge of our most vulnerable ,the poor and disabled. Meg Whitman does not care about "the chattering class" and I believe will drive us all into a race to the bottom----except for the millionaires and billionaires.

Specializes in Peds/outpatient FP,derm,allergy/private duty.

If approaching the economic woes of California as one would a "business" solved or even improved our situation a little, Arnold would have done it, because that's what he said he was going to do in 2003. Meg's approach is completely meaningless. At least with Jerry Brown we have an experienced, innovative thinker who has shown the ability to admit past missteps and is not completely hamstrung by ideology.

Nevertheless I think we are in an economic death spiral, and we'll be helpless to do anything about it. No money is no money, no matter how we might wish it weren't so. Every sector of our economy that is dependent on state funding screams bloody murder when threatened, and the vulnerable at the bottom really have no voice. Not a union, not a Board, not a lobbying group, not an advocacy group.

It really saddens me to see things like Mayor Villaraigosa viciously attacked by his ideological mates when he is forced to make tough budget decisions. When this ship goes down it's not going to be with grace and the band playing until the bitter end.

Every nurse should take a look at this website. Meg shows again that she has NO IDEA what's going on in California. If you listen carefully her whole campaign sounds just like Arnold's did when he unseated Gov. Davis. Whenever a candidate says they're going to MAKE something happen--they don't realize they have a legislature to deal with. A legislature that is notoriously lazy, back-stabbing, partisan, stone-walling, etc. Meg doesn't realize that California currently has no nursing shortage. We have new grads who cannot find jobs. I'm a clinical instructor and I tell students to look for jobs out of state if they can. Nursing ratios?? She's part of big business and that includes hospitals and hospitals do not want nursing ratios. Pensions?? Nurses holding state jobs aren't the only state workers with pensions. The whole system needs an overhaul but the unions will have to agree to the overhaul--legislation alone won't do it.

California is in a mess and I'm not sure any one person can stop the train from jumping the track. But we have huge potential. I love my state--I'm a third generation Californian and I wouldn't want to live anywhere else, but things have been in a mess for years. It's going to take a concerted effort by all Californians to fix it but I don't think Meg Whitman is the one to lead it.

Specializes in Med./Surg., Diabetes, Med. ICU, home hea.
Look up truthfornurses. She is going to use budget savings to produce more New grad Nurses because California has a NURSING SHORTAGE...lovely...

Of COURSE she would/is! EVERY politician and hospital administrator knows that the "nursing shortage" myth has been a BOON for facilities! They can now pick and choose from a WORLD full of RN's (as opposed to just local talent), hire ONLY for part time (keep 'em HUNGRY for more shifts and no overtime), offer lower starting salaries, no bonuses, 2% raises (if ANY at all), forego tuition reimbursementm ect.

Specializes in Peds/outpatient FP,derm,allergy/private duty.
QUOTE=JustMe;4386601]. . . . .California is in a mess and I'm not sure any one person can stop the train from jumping the track. But we have huge potential. I love my state--I'm a third generation Californian and I wouldn't want to live anywhere else, but things have been in a mess for years. It's going to take a concerted effort by all Californians to fix it but I don't think Meg Whitman is the one to lead it.

Me, too. It's really depressing to watch things unravel year after year. :crying2:

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