Meg or Jerry

U.S.A. California


Specializes in Ante-Intra-Postpartum, Post Gyne.

It seems like a lot of people on here are against Meg Whitman. I have family members that want Meg to be voted in. Watching the commercials are impossible to get any valid information out of, considering the opposing commercials are paid for by the competitor; and with as much over time I have been putting in, an occasional commercial while getting ready for bed is about as much political research I have time for. Maybe some of you can tell me who you think is the better candidate and why.

Specializes in Emergency, Trauma, Critical Care.

Honestly neither. : ( But that always seems to be our choice, doesn't it?

Specializes in Tele Step Down, Oncology, ICU, Med/Surg.

Meg actually stated that there is a nursing shortage and that we need to pump in more new grads--NOT! As one of a growing tribe of qualified yet still unemployed new grad RN's--that sealed the deal.

Neither one impress me as being interested in me and my concerns.

Specializes in Peds/outpatient FP,derm,allergy/private duty.

Meg didn't even bother voting in elections for most of her own adult life, and I think she's actually a drag queen (she looks like a man, doesn't she?) I think RuPaul ought to establish residency out here and run for governor. The celebrity precedent is there.

Specializes in LTC, assisted living, med-surg, psych.

I lived in California during Governor Moonbeam's reign, and believe me, it wasn't pretty. Now he's just a geriatric flower child trying to recapture '70s glory........sure doesn't say much for my home state when the only choices for the highest office are an old hippie and a woman who seems to think she's royalty.

Oh wait, now I remember why I moved to Oregon 22 years ago.......

I lived in California during Governor Moonbeam's reign, and believe me, it wasn't pretty. Now he's just a geriatric flower child trying to recapture '70s glory........sure doesn't say much for my home state when the only choices for the highest office are an old hippie and a woman who seems to think she's royalty.

Oh wait, now I remember why I moved to Oregon 22 years ago.......

I also lived in CA at that time (and I, too, still always think of him as "Governor Moonbeam" -- but with affection), and was v. happy with his performance as governor. If I were in CA now, I'd definitely be strongly supporting Gov MB over Meg (although, re: another previous post, NOT because of anything about how she looks. When are we ever, finally, PLEEEEEEEEASE, going to get past judging women primarily on their appearance???? It's the 21st century, folks!)

Specializes in Peds/outpatient FP,derm,allergy/private duty.

I lived here then, too. I remember he didn't want to live in the Governor's Mansion as a young single guy. I never heard the term "Governor Moonbeam" until recently -- but maybe I just wasn't paying attention.

I would really, really like it if both sides would stop using images of their opponent that make then look like they just woke up after being dead for 500 years with the unattractive expressions, drab colors and high contrast wrinkles. It's almost comical, really. Especially when they play "Mars, the God of War" from The Planets or a funeral dirge -- when they show themselves again it's full color, soft focus, children and happy music. The imagemakers don't think much of us in the smarts department, folks.

I lived here then, too. I remember he didn't want to live in the Governor's Mansion as a young single guy. I never heard the term "Governor Moonbeam" until recently -- but maybe I just wasn't paying attention.

"Governor Moonbeam" was Garry Trudeau's name for the fictional CA governor in the early Doonesbury strips, who was obviously a parody of Jerry Brown.

I remember him not living in the Governor's mansion, too, and continuing to live in his regular apartment from before he was elected. When people hassled him about this, he pointed out he was saving the state a lot of money by doing so because the state didn't have to keep the mansion open and operational. At one point, his housekeeper in his apartment (the state insisted on providing him "staff" in his bachelor apartment) threw her back out making his bed, which was a mattress on the floor (those were the days ... :) Can you imagine any governor nowadays living in a ordinary apartment and sleeping on the floor?), and the conservatives got all worked up about how he was actually costing the state a lot more money than if he'd just live in the darn mansion, because now the state was going to have to pay Worker's Comp to the housekeeper. :rolleyes:

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