Meeting AHPRA requirements as a International Trained Nurse from the Philippines

World Registration


Specializes in Renal, dialysis.

It's true seems like no other uk diploma level trained nurse has been approved for registration since the changes. Apparently its big news in aus as hundreds of uk nurses are now getting stranded jobless. I don't know how this is affecting us though.

Me specifically, as I'm both. Oh well.

I've decided to also take additional qualifications short courses that may help my application in the future depending how long it takes. If it's an option for Phil nurses in the Phil I think its a good way to go if you're jobless and just waiting. What's horrible is getting the registration after quite some time and you've been idle and and inexperienced that's my 2 cents anyways

Specializes in Renal, dialysis.

Waiting and being positive is good. But make sure you do something in between for yourselves.

That's right, doing something while waiting kills time. Use the waiting time to increase your chances of job hunting after bridging or exploring other options or gathering infos about the next step to take.

Here's my timeline:

07 March - Sent application to AHPRA VIC

14 March - Receipt of application from AHPRA

19 March - Receipt of further outstanding requirements e-mail from registration officer (PRC Cert of Good Standing)

25 March - All further outstanding requirements received by AHPRA. (PRC Cert of Good standing, IQNM requirements); Application forwarded to the National Review Team

13 Aug - Received the same generic e-mail from my Registration officer...

Thank you for your email.

Under a section of the National Law, we have requested an extension of time to assess your application so that your application is not refused due to the passage of time. We are aware that due date is approaching/has passed, however a decision has not yet been made. We will request a further extension of time if required, however please be advised your application will not be refused because of the time it has taken to assess.

On 10 February 2014 the Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia (National Board) implemented a new model for the assessment of qualifications of internationally qualified nurses and midwives (IQNMs). This model is applied to all applications that were incomplete on 7 October 2013 or submitted after8 October 2014, which includes your application.

The assessment of the qualifications of IQNMs is a complex process with several review stages. We published new information on 1 July 2014 on theNational Board website which further explains the new assessment model.

The National Board is aware that the Philippines may not meet the evidentiary requirements for a number of the IQNM qualification assessment criteria and, as a matter of priority, is exploring the options that will enable Filipino-educated nurses such as you to meet these requirements. As soon as the National Board has made its decision, I will notify you of the outcome and how that may be relevant to your application.

I am not in a position to guarantee the timeframe for the National Board’s deliberations or when your application for registration will be finalised. It is likely to be weeks rather than days before a decision will be made and you may wish to consider exploring alternative employment opportunities in the interim. We will do everything possible to expedite your application once the National Board has made its decision.


Hello, Can somebody please send me a Template for IQNM Criterion 8. [email protected]

hello guys! i'm sorry but i'm confused. what does extention letter all about?

I have read this article. If this is true then none of the nurses educated in the philippines would be qualified for the bridging program. Is this true?

[h=2]Omar - nurse not yet able to apply for an assessment[/h]

Omar went to university in the Philippines and gained registration as a nurse with the Professional Regulation Commission when he completed his course.

After working for 6 months in the Philippines, Omar found permanent work in the United Arab Emirates. He gained registration with the Ministry of Health in Abu Dhabi and has practiced as a nurse there for 3 years in a major military hospital.

Omar visits ANMAC's website and reviews the 5 standards needed to be eligible for skilled migration assessment. He realises she does not meet Standard 3--the education standard--and is not therefore suitable to apply for skills migration with us at this stage. If he applies at this stage he will be wasting his time and our time, since he will not be found suitable for migration.

Omar also learns from our website that his next step is to get registration with AHPRA. He contacts AHPRA to get information on what other education and training he needs to be registered as a nurse in Australia and have his name included on their public online register. AHPRA will advise Omar on whether a bridging program is required, or whether further education at university is needed.

Omar also applies to the Department of Immigration and Border Protection for an appropriate visa to come to Australia and complete the necessary education and training. Once he has done so he can get registered with AHPRA.

Once his name is on AHPRA's public online register, Omar knows he can return to our website to apply to ANMAC for his modified assessment form.

Specializes in EENT, MS, Aged Care.
Not suitable applicants | ANMAC | Australian Nursing & Midwifery Accreditation Council

I have read this article. If this is true then none of the nurses educated in the philippines would be qualified for the bridging program. Is this true?

[h=2]Omar – nurse not yet able to apply for an assessment[/h]

Omar went to university in the Philippines and gained registration as a nurse with the Professional Regulation Commission when he completed his course.

After working for 6 months in the Philippines, Omar found permanent work in the United Arab Emirates. He gained registration with the Ministry of Health in Abu Dhabi and has practiced as a nurse there for 3 years in a major military hospital.

Omar visits ANMAC’s website and reviews the 5 standards needed to be eligible for skilled migration assessment. He realises she does not meet Standard 3—the education standard—and is not therefore suitable to apply for skills migration with us at this stage. If he applies at this stage he will be wasting his time and our time, since he will not be found suitable for migration.

Omar also learns from our website that his next step is to get registration with AHPRA. He contacts AHPRA to get information on what other education and training he needs to be registered as a nurse in Australia and have his name included on their public online register. AHPRA will advise Omar on whether a bridging program is required, or whether further education at university is needed.

Omar also applies to the Department of Immigration and Border Protection for an appropriate visa to come to Australia and complete the necessary education and training. Once he has done so he can get registered with AHPRA.

Once his name is on AHPRA’s public online register, Omar knows he can return to our website to apply to ANMAC for his modified assessment form.

This is ANMAC, not AHPRA.

Don't panic. Keep our hopes high!

Can someone enlighten me about the difference between ANMAC and AHPRA. :D

Specializes in Medical and general practice now LTC.

The Australian Nursing and Midwifery Accreditation Council (ANMAC) helps protect the health and safety of the community by promoting high quality standards for nursing and midwifery education. Australian Nursing & Midwifery Accreditation Council | ANMAC

Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency. APHRA

Specializes in Medical-Surgical/Orthopaedic-Neuro.

just to share, i've read this new media release from the AHPRA website a while ago.

Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia - Media release

Specializes in Renal, dialysis.

Anmac is an org tasked by the govt to assess nurses in terms of skills and education for suitability for migration. So if you want to apply for a permanent visa straight away as an independent applicant you need a positive assessment from anmac. You will get a letter from them saying you are suitable for migration which you use to apply at the immigration for an PR. However getting one won't have anything to do with AHpra.

Ahpra - you need a positive assessment from them to be able to practice and be a an RN in Australia. Ahpra now, only looks at qualifications and level of education, although I'm sure they've set minimum expected amount of exp from overseas applicants but having significant x number of years more, won't have any bearing. As they have a clear guild engines iqnm-8 areas

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