Medication Refills


Specializes in Telemetry, Gastroenterology, School Nrs.

I was taking care of medication refill this morning and wondered how you all handle that situation? I always get the medication from the parent/guardian, then immediately count the number of pills in the bottle. I then document that count on the back of my MAR, with the date and time that the medication was dropped off. Do you all have a protocol that you follow?

Specializes in School Nursing, Public Health Nurse.

On the back of my MAR I have an area that says Log Of Medication. I write the date, count the medication, have the parent count the medication, then write the amount under "#Rec'd". I sign and then the parent signs. The same for when they pick up the pills except I put the number under "#Ret'd". I also write in the Expiration Date of the medication but not the time it was dropped off or taken.

Specializes in school nursing, ortho, trauma.

everything for me is electronic. so i just make it a point to count in front of the parent and then enter it into the program right away. Most of the time the parents have no idea how may pills they have brought me anyhow, but i feel better counting in front of them. Then NONE of them pick up at the end of the year so i have a graveyard of ritalin, vyvanse, etc bottles waiting to go to the county disposal program. What a pain in my tuckus...

Everything electronic for me also. If a parent is in front of me to turn in a refill I will count out the meds with them and make a note of it in Eschool. Sometimes a parent will drop it off at the front office for me - I then will have one of the secretaries or data clerk count with me and make a note of it in Eschool.

We have an electronic system, but it doesn't have a lock-out to prevent users from going back and editing old entries. So we do a paper count each week, and only enter into the system a number when parents bring in pills (and when students take one). Then each week I make sure the paper count matches the electronic count.

Then NONE of them pick up at the end of the year so i have a graveyard of ritalin, vyvanse, etc ...

Oh! That doesn't just happen at my school?

Specializes in School nursing.

I never get parents dropping off - it usually gets handed right to me by the student (older students, 7th-12th). I count it in front of the student and everything is entered electronically into SNAP.

Now, as for when I NEED a refill, I have a form letter I send home with each student when I am down to a 5-7 supply to give them the time they need to get it refilled. Works pretty well.


I pretty much do the same thing. The parent has to bring it in (elementary kids). We count it together, put down the number and date and both of us sign the MAR. Than I have to put the amount received in our computer system. I also have to do weekly counts with another adult. When it is time for a refill, when there is 5-7 days left of medicine, I send a letter. If I do not hear anything from the parent with 2 days left, I give them a call.

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